Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1660: I scolded you

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Shen Ning glanced at him and said lightly, "You're not bad, I didn't have any good intentions for you, I just thought that it made you die like that, but it's cheaper for you, and you know a lot of things, It ’s also useful to me, plus those mountain robbers robbing their homes and taking advantage of the fire, it ’s not a good thing, so I rescued you from those mountain gangsters. If you want to die, I wo n’t stop You, there is a pack of poison here. As soon as you eat it, you will immediately bleed through the seven holes, cut through your intestines, and die to the point where you can no longer die. "

She threw a packet of medicine powder in front of the thousand-faced son.

"Eat, wait for you to die, I will buy a thin-skinned coffin to bury you. Although you have killed countless people in your life and committed countless sins, but my person has a good heart and will not look at you. There is no place to bury. "

Thousand-faced son stared at the pack of medicine powder on the ground, slowly extended his hand, and suddenly grabbed the pack of medicine powder, and threw it out of the window.

He cried bitterly: "It's better to be alive than dead, why should I die! Why should you let me see my jokes! Who knows what you will do to me after I die? Who knows if you will really treat me When I was buried, I took off my clothes and hung them on the city gate, letting everyone come to see me as a monster, not male or female! Hmm, I ’m definitely not fooled by you! I want to let me die. ! "

Qianmianzi was kneeling on the ground, but then stood up suddenly, staring fiercely at Shen Ning.

He suddenly stiffened up, and it was quite unexpected.

She looked at the thousand-faced son, not angry, and smiled slightly: "Okay, this made me see a little bit of bone, if you kneel like me softly and kneel in front of me like this, I will cry I regret not to save your life. What I hate the most is that I only know that kowtow to save Rao's slugs and soft eggs! "

Qianmianzi jumped up like a cat with a stomped tail, clenched fists in both hands, and said fiercely: "Who said you are slugs! Who is the soft egg!"

Shen Ning said with a smile: "You are very good like this, quite manly, I just need you to be so stiff, it's not bad, I'm very satisfied."

"Speak, what do you want me to do before you will cure this strange disease for me!"

Qianmian said coldly.

The reason why he suddenly became full of confidence was because he wanted to understand that the other party had long known his hole card, but he hadn't shot his life for a long time, just because he still had use, if he had nothing to do, where else Live now.

Shen Ning tilted his head and glanced at him, without speaking.

Thousand-faced sneer sneered: "Zhao Rong's stinky girl took a fancy to me, the fancy method of seducing people, and what fancy did you take with my son? Tell me the truth There are a lot of things, such as disguise, poisoning, poisoning, tracing, secret calculation, murder, arson, and cooking. You can let someone like you who has great skills help you, and you will find the treasure. "

Shen Ning smiled: "Thousand-faced son, are you a mouse?"

"What does this mean?" The thousand-faced son frowned.

Shen Ning smiled and said: "If you are not a mouse, how can you stand on the balance and claim to be complimented?"

"You ... you call this son a beast again!" He blushed suddenly, annoyed.

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