Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1663: The method of corset

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Shen Ning thought of the war and urged the horse to whip along the way. I didn't know how long it took to run, I heard the sound of complaints from the thousand-faced son behind me.

"What's the matter with you?" Shen Ning turned back: "The killer of Zitang Pavilion, even if you don't have the skill, you are a man, and you can't stand it after riding this horse for a while? You don't really think of yourself as a woman, right?" ? "

There was irony in her tone, and at the same time she pulled the reins of the horse to make the horse run slower.

The beads of sweat on the forehead of the thousand-faced son dripped straight, he grabbed the reins with one hand, and supported the chest with the other arm, complaining: "I ... I'm uncomfortable! It's too heavy here, as soon as the horse runs, this place shakes Ah, I really do n’t know how your women can grow so fast on horseback with these two things! "

As he said, he glanced at Shen Ning's chest, his heart full of curiosity.

With a snap, he ate a horsewhip around his neck.

"Ouch, why are you beating people!" He exclaimed in pain.

Shen Ning's face sank and said: "If your eyes are not honest, it will be useless to stay on your face."

Thousand-faced son felt a chill in his heart, knowing that the girl had done what she wanted, and she was offended by all means, and she quickly smiled and said: "I'm not good, I shouldn't mess around, aunt don't be angry. But aunt, can you make these two things smaller? It's really inconvenient for me to ride like this. "

Shen Ning said with a face: "You haven't done what I want you to do, just start bargaining with me?"

"Dare not dare to dare."

"Okay, I'll teach you a way. You wrap your chest tightly with cloth, and you won't feel bumps when riding."

Shen Ning gave him a white glance and whip on the horse's buttocks. The horse raised its hoofs and ran like a fly. In a blink of an eye, the Thousand Faced Son was thrown behind him.

"Yes, this method is very good, and it is extremely simple. Xiao Ru's girl also told me why I didn't expect it!"

Thousand-faced son hurriedly strangled the horse, jumped off the horse's back, found a skirt from the bag, ripped it into a long piece of cloth, and then found a secret place to wrap up the chest layer by layer.

After he had packed it up, he turned his horse again. This time, no matter how fast the horse ran or how bumpy it was, he could not feel any discomfort.

"Auntie, this method is really easy to use."

He quickly stepped up, caught up with Shen Ning, and said happily.

Shen Ning just smiled, but didn't speak, but just looked up at the sun, identified the direction, and continued to run south.

"Aunt, are you in such a hurry to hurry up, is there something urgent?" Qianmianzi ran with her for a while and couldn't help speaking.

"Of course there is an urgent matter, one hundred thousand urgent events." Shen Ning said without looking back.

"Hundreds of thousands of urgent events?" Qianmianzi casually said: "You wouldn't go to the front to help the Xichu army fight!"

He remembered Shen Ning once mentioned that she was going to the front line, but he just listened to it, thinking that it was a lie that she wanted to frighten herself from continuing to follow, and did not care about it.

At this time he also made a joke casually.

No one knew Shen Ning but nodded solemnly.

"Thousand-faced young man was really smart, and he immediately guessed my purpose."


Thousand-faced son opened his mouth wide and looked at Shen Ning in surprise: "You ... you are not kidding? You ... are you really going to fight at the front?"

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