Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1678: Kill two and earn

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Shen Ning listened to what he said, and took over the Guqin. He saw the Qin's body with ancient patterns, which was indeed a long time. The end of the Qin was carved with the words "Yan".

"It turned out that the name of the piano was Yan Yu, and the name was really nice." She stroked the piano twice and gave Yan Yuqin to Qianmianzi.

"Thousands of thousands, this piano is precious. You have collected it. We will listen to your elegant performance later."

Liu Chengyuan said with joy: "It turns out that this piano is for Qianqian girl. I didn't expect Qianqian girl to play the piano. Xiaguan will be happy for a while."

Thousand-faced young man took the piano, and gently tapped it on the strings. Qingyue Zhengran, thinking that it was a good piano, nodded.

Shen Ning said to Liu Chengyuan: "Liu Shoubei, Nanyue Army came in a blink of an eye, you should go with your own soldiers, you don't have to stay here."

But Liu Chengyuan said: "Master Shen is not capable of martial arts, and Qianqian girl is also a slender woman. Xiaguan wants to stay here to protect the two. Although Xiaguan's martial arts are not good, I am afraid that he cannot stop the Southern Army, but he can kill one One, kill a pair is a pair! "

He said that he pulled out his waist knife, danced a knife flower in the air, and returned the knife into the sheath with a bang, his movements were clean and sharp.

Thousand-faced Master snorted, and he didn't even put his hand in his eyes at all, and he was also embarrassed to show off the martial arts of the three-legged cat.

If he hadn't lost his skill, even if there were ten Liu Chengyuan, no, one hundred Liu Chengyuan wouldn't be able to match his little finger!

Shen Ning smiled and said, "Liu Shengbei, the enemy is coming for a while. I have my own plan to retreat from the enemy. If you stay here, you will ruin my plan. By the way, you can take what I want. coming?"

Liu Chengyuan hurriedly said: "Here it is, here it is."

He lifted his baggage from his back, and his hands were presented to Shen Ning.

Shen Ning opened it, and nodded: "Very good."

She handed the baggage to the son of Qianmian and said, "I asked Liu Shoube to prepare a dress and jewelry for you. Go ahead and change it."

Qian Qiangzi glanced at the bag and saw that there was a set of exquisite women's clothing and a set of gorgeous jewelry. He was suspicious in his heart and did not understand what Shen Ning meant. To change clothes.

Liu Chengyuan kept looking at Qian Qian ’s back with admiring eyes, and he did n’t look back until he looked back and said with emotion: "Though Qian Qian girl looks weak and can't help but the strong enemy is not changing her face, she is really a heroine ! Xiaguan will definitely desperately protect the safety of Master Shen and Qianqian Girl! "

Shen Ning said with a smile: "As long as you follow the plan, don't make any mistakes. After the victory of the South Vietnamese Army, I will distribute thousands of dollars to Liu Shoubei, how?"

Liu Chengyuan could hardly believe his ears. He was so happy that he scratched his ears and could not speak.

Although he listened to Shen Ning's plan, he did not have the mortal heart he had before, but after all, he had only 3,000 troops in his hand, but there were 100,000 troops in the South Vietnamese country. Even if Shen Ning's plan was even better, he should take three Thousands of people defeated the 100,000 army, and it is still like a fool's dream. That is absolutely impossible.

What he thought in his heart was that he could kill one and earn one, and if he could kill two, he would earn a pair. Even if all the three thousand sergeants were killed in battle, they must let the other person take a layer of skin. Warriors.

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