Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1686: Close your beak

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After the big deal brought her back, she would not let her touch Yaoqin in this life. As long as she looked at her beautiful face, he would be happy.

But then, only the beautiful melody of the piano sounded like the clouds and the water, and the sound of the piano was melodious, like fairy music, which made everyone stunned.

In the beautiful sound of the piano music, they seemed to have a picture in front of them. Sometimes it was mountains and valleys, birds and flowers, and sometimes the sea was rough and the waves were rough. Sometimes it was winter and the snow was falling ...

It was clearly early summer and the weather was hot, but the piano music seemed to radiate a chill, letting the listener shudder involuntarily, as if in the ice and snow.

Whether it is understandable or incomprehensible, all are enchanted by this beautiful piano sound and cannot extricate themselves.

They were fascinated by the girl's peerless look before, but at this time they were fascinated by her piano tone.

"Miao, Miao! This prince has never heard such a beautiful piano in his life!"

Tuobazheng was so drunk that he fixed his gaze on the face of the thousand-faced son, and he couldn't even blink his eyes.

Pang Junshi closed his eyes slightly and listened to the sound of the piano. He heard a turning point. The sound of the piano jumped, like a mountain spring splashing on rocks, Qingyue Dingdong, the sound of the piano suddenly stagnated, and then returned to the original melodious tune.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and said, "Junior, this is an empty city!"

Tuoba Zheng was intoxicated by the sound of the piano, as if he didn't hear what he said.

Chu Shaoyang heard it, and looked at Pang Junshi: "What are you talking about?"

Pang Junshi ’s eyes faintly filled with excitement. He stroked the three strands of mouse whiskers under his chin and pointed at the thousand-faced son on the tower. He said: "Lord please listen carefully. Although the girl ’s piano sounds beautiful, it ’s like flowing clouds and water. It ’s clear that the person who plays the piano is calm and calm, but just now I heard a flaw. "

"What a flaw!"

The person who asked the question was not Chu Shaoyang, but Tuoba Zheng.

He was obsessed with listening, but was disturbed by Pang Junshi ’s words, just like sitting on the rock by the mountain was blowing the breeze comfortably, tasting the fragrant tea, when a hurry, a fly was in the ear It's really annoying to fly around buzzingly and buzzing.

"Such a wonderful fairy sound, can you close the bird's beak and let the prince appreciate it well!" He scolded Pang Junshi angrily.

With that impatient expression, as if Pang Junshi said one more word, he would stretch out his big palm and choke the other person's neck.

Knowing the temper of Tuobazheng, Pang Junshi was not afraid, but instead said lightly: "Sovereign Lord, you must not be caught in the enemy's beauty plan, there is fraud!"

"What a swindle! You should make it clear to the prince, if it is not clear, beware that the prince cut your tongue!"

Tuoba Zheng called out to the earth.

But for so many years, Pang Junshi has been advising him by giving him a lot of tactics. He has also admired Pang Junshi ’s ability. Although he was annoyed, he knew that Pang Junshi was definitely not nonsense Man, he must have discovered something.

Pang Junshi said without hesitation: "I once saw a story in a soldier's book. I wonder if the prince and the county prince have heard it?"

"What story?" Tuoba Zheng said impatiently.

Although he was asking Pang Junshi, his eyes never left the beautiful girl's face on the city wall.

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