Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He hugged Shen Ning into the bushes, walked through the thick grass of the jungle, and walked for a few steps, only to hear the sound of "哧 啦", and his tulle white skirt was hooked by a thorn.

"Damn it! This rags are procrastinating. I really don't understand how those girls like to wear such troublesome skirts!"

He grumbled angrily, pulling it off smoothly, pulling off a whole skirt, revealing his two long legs, and immediately felt relaxed, without the shackles of entanglement.

Anyway, there is no one here, and he doesn't need to care about his image.

After walking for a while, he finally found a secret cave in a mountain wall, and the hole was hidden behind a bush, very concealed.

He drilled in with Shen Ning holding it in his head, and could not care whether there was danger or beast in the cave.

Because he had heard footsteps and search sounds from nearby, he secretly scolded: How can these South Vietnamese dogs come so fast!

Knowing this before, he should n’t kindly help Chu Shaoyang to wrap his wounds and let him die if he bleeds too much!

Thousand-faced son hugged the person in one hand, and held the bamboo tube with the "Tian Nu San Hua" tightly in the other hand.

If there are beasts in the cave, in his current state, I ’m afraid it ’s definitely a fight. I ’m afraid I can only use this powerful goddess to disperse flowers. I just thought of using this precious weapon to deal with the beast There was a flesh of pain in my heart, and secretly pray that it would be better not to have beasts.

Perhaps it was his prayers that really worked. He walked a dozen meters in one breath, and there was nothing strange. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time he was tired and tired, his arms were sore, and he could no longer hold Shen Ning, so she put her on the ground and let her lean against the mountain wall.

After thinking for a while, he tore off his hem again and tied all her hands and feet together. Then he clapped her hands at ease and smiled proudly.

"Stinky girl with the surname Shen, you might not even dream of dreaming. One day you will fall into my hands, let me slaughter?"

He glanced down at her with the glimmer of light coming from outside the cave, and an evil grin evoked in the corner of his mouth, but Shen Ning was still in a coma and could not see his expression at all.

The thousand-faced man was suddenly bored. He suddenly reached out his hand, squeezed **** her cheek, and snorted again.

"Smelly girl, this is considered interest. You owe me. I will ask you to pay it back bit by bit! But now it's not time to settle accounts with you. The son must first dismiss those nasty South Vietnamese dogs."

He leaned on his waist and tiptoed, and moved a little toward the hole.

At this time footsteps were heard outside the cave, and the bushes were shaken rustlingly. Then, the footsteps became louder and louder. Obviously more and more people were searching in this direction.

"The prince said that they are going down the mountain in this direction. The girl was injured and must not go far."

"Let's search carefully and we must find the girl. The prince instructed that he should not hurt the girl's hair anyway."

"There are a lot of bushes here, and they may be hiding inside. Let's search the bushes."

Outsiders began to search the bushes.

Thousand-faced Master held his breath, his muscles all stretched tight, and even his heart seemed to stop beating.

The footsteps of this group of people were getting closer and closer, and the sound rang outside the cave, less than three feet away from him.

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