Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1797: King of the times

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"There is nothing to dare to enter, I believe that you will not harm me, uncle."

Shen Ning smiled slightly, took the night pearl out of his pocket, put it in his palm, and strode in.

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion slightly stunned, and then a sneer was raised in the corner of his mouth, followed by Shen Ning.

After he entered the cave, he didn't know where to press on the wall, only to hear the sound of "Zaza", the stone wall closed again, completely separating the two from the outside.

When Shen Ning heard the sound of closing the door, her heart trembled, but she didn't look back.

If you are not afraid at all, it is also fake. After all, there is a jackal in human skin behind her. She doesn't necessarily have to be fierce when she swallows her belt bones.

But she knew more clearly that she should not show any cowardice, otherwise she would only make herself die faster.

The cave was dark, there was no light, and no fingers were reached.

She raised the night pearl and let the soft light illuminate her body, looking around.

This cave is much larger than she had imagined, the night pearl can only shine on a small part, and most of it is hidden in the darkness.

Through the light of the Pearl of the Night, Shen Ning saw that there were shelves in front of him and behind him, with weapons of various shapes, some with rusty patterns, some with ancient shapes, some with cold lights, and some with nothing. Humble.

But she knew that, no matter whether it was sharp or glaring, every weapon here was a rare and valuable treasure.

But these weapons are all cold weapons, and no power can be compared with the pistol.

She did n’t mind that the pistol fell in the hands of the patriarch Zixiao. After all, there was only one bullet left in the gun, and the pistol without bullets was not good for scaring people, because in this era, no one knew this thing.

The cold weapon is still the king of this era.

She wants to choose a good weapon for Mochuan, because a good weapon is even more powerful for Mochuan.

Must choose a soft sword that is better than Chu Shaoyang's soft snake!

Suddenly, her eyes were attracted by a sword placed in the corner.

To be unremarkable, there is nothing in the entire weapon library that is more unremarkable than this sword. It can only be said to have the shape of a sword. The whole body is dark and not placed on the weapon rack. She erected casually in the corner, and she would not carelessly glance at the pearl of the night, she would not notice the sword anyway.

Because all the weapons are far away from the black sword, it appears to be exceptionally lonely and unremarkable, like a beggar abandoned by the nobility.

But Shen Ning just fell in love with the beggar in this weapon.

"Uncle, I fancy that sword."

She said the iron sword in the corner without hesitation.

Looking in the direction of her finger, Lord Zixiao's face suddenly changed, and he snapped: "Who told you to choose this sword? Isn't it Xiao'er!"

His first reaction must have been told by Qian Qiangzi. When he walked into the room, he saw Qian Qiangzi holding her hand as if to say something to her.

Shen Ning shook his head and said, "What Xiao'er, do you mean Xiao'er is your righteous son? Ah, that little white-eyed wolf, what he thinks in his mind is how to hurt me, how could he treat you to the Xiaoxiaoge tell me?"

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