Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1811: Thank you Chengquan

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Thousand-faced Master couldn't tell what was in his heart. He held Shen Ning and watched her fall into a lethargic, pale face, a heart pounding, excited and hesitant.

He believes that his uncle will not deceive himself. When she wakes up, she will really forget everything, just like a newborn baby, and he will become the first person in her life.

"Stupid boy, why don't you talk, but are you stupid in joy!"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion smiled lightly and patted the shoulders of Thousand Faces.

"Now that she has served my forgetfulness pill, the uncle will naturally not hurt her anymore, so please take her back to the mountain." He and Yan Yue said in a disgusting manner.

Thousand-faced Master settled down and raised his head.

"Father, I promised her before that I ’ll take her to the Baihua Valley at the foot of the mountain. She said she likes flowers that are undefeated all seasons and lakes that are more crystal clear than Xingzi. I hope she wakes up, except for the first glance Seeing me, she can still see the scenery she likes, so I want to stay in Baihua Valley for the past three days until she wakes up, Xiaoer wants to ask her uncle for permission! "

Lord Zixiao could n’t help but smile: “I did n’t expect that your kid would n’t know how to do it. My father thought that you would not be emotional in your life. I did n’t expect you to really like a girl. It would be so romantic. Well, then take her there. Baihuagu, your righteous father will wait for your good news here. "

"Thank you for your success!"

The Master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion waved his hand and watched the Thousand Faced Son pick up the unconscious Shen Ning on the carriage, and then drove the carriage down the mountain all the way until he could no longer see it.

Thousand-faced son rushed on the side of the car, but a heart was as uncomfortable as a torment in an oil pan.

In a trance, he drove the carriage down the mountain and came to the foot of the mountain. He could not clearly understand the direction to Baihua Valley.

After staying in place for a while, he finally settled in and recovered a trace of consciousness from the coma.

At this time, the carriage had left the mountain where Zixiao Pavilion was located, but he still felt that the sharp eyes of the owner of Zixiao Pavilion had been staring at his back, making him shudder.

No, you have to go farther and farther! The farther away from Zixiaoge, the better!

A thought in his heart was burning like a fire, making him drive the carriage fast, as if a ghost behind him was chasing him.

I didn't know how long it had passed until it was completely dark, and I could no longer see the road. He gasped and stopped the carriage, his back was soaked with sweat.

He didn't eat or drink this day, but he didn't feel hungry at all, because his heart was like a big rock pressed, so heavy that he was breathless, and there would be a little appetite.

How to do? What should I do?

He leaned against the carriage dizzy, and his mind was cluttered.

I should obey the words of my righteous father, wait for her to wake up three days later, and then become a girl who has no past. From then on, she is the only man in her entire world!

It's time to keep your promises and do the thing that you promised her!

Lord Zixiao did n’t realize that when Shen Ning waved to him and brought him close, she smiled and said aloud, “You are more like a woman than a woman”, but she pulled his right hand in his palm The words are written gently in.

One stroke at a time, he remembered every word clearly.

She wrote: "Send me to the master of the doctor valley will save me".

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