Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1829: Good news without news

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He is still banging in his ears now, and he can't hear anything clearly.

"Master! Master! Listen to me, the blood on this stone is not the queen's lady!" Chasing the wind looked at him worriedly and said loudly in his ear.

"what did you say?"

Mo Chuan turned his head to look after the wind.

Chasing the wind saw that he was full of bloodshot eyes, worried about the extreme, but he repeated it loudly: "The subordinate has found that the queen's mother did not have an accident, this blood is not hers, and the subordinate has found the traces left by the queen ! "

"Really?" Mo Chuan must be in his heart. He believes that Chasing Wind will never lie, let alone lie in front of him.

Chasing the wind nodded solemnly.

"Look, Master, the subordinate found that someone had walked in this place and was going down the mountain. This man followed the mother all the way up the mountain, and his footprints suddenly became heavier, but he couldn't find her footprints. This means that the mother-in-law was taken away by this person, but this person will not have any martial arts and will definitely not hurt the mother-in-law. "

After listening to him, Mo Chuan's expression not only did not relax, but became more worried.

"How can you be sure that she was not injured? Perhaps it was because she was injured that talent would take her away, otherwise how could she not find her footprint?"

"No, Master, please see. It was someone else who was injured. That person shed a lot of blood on this rock, which means that he fell here after he was injured. There are many people around this stone. Footprints, and then these people carried the injured person down the mountain. They took another path, so their subordinates dare to conclude that the injured person will never be the queen. "

Chasing the wind and observing it very carefully, he probably guessed what was happening at the time, and said Shen Ning and Chu Shaoyang's way down the mountain pretty well.

Mo Chuan nodded, and a heart finally landed slowly. He believed in Chasing Wind's judgment, so he went down the mountain in the direction Chasing Wind pointed, and finally found the Wolf Cave.

When they arrived, it had been a few days since Shen Ning was taken away by the Lord Zixiao Pavilion. The wolf corpse in the cave had rotted and smelled bad.

As soon as the two entered the hole, they were almost smoked by the smell.

"Master, please wait a moment at the entrance of the cave and let your subordinates go in and find out."

Mo Chuan shook his head, stepping into the wolf hole first, and the more he walked in, the more worried he felt.

There were blood stains and wolf corpses in the cave. He couldn't think of what was happening here, nor could she think of how she would appear in this cave.

He did not care about the stench from the rotting wolf corpse, and looked carefully in the cave. Eventually, he found nothing. The corpses in the cave were all wild wolves, and these wild wolves died under a strange hidden weapon. .

Nothing is found, it is the best discovery.

The absence of her body in the cave means she must be alive!

But after going out of the cave, it became very difficult to pursue her trail suddenly, and even chasing the wind became impossible.

He only found the traces left by the thousand-faced son when he was taken away by Chu Shaoyang's black armor, but he did not find Shen Ning's whereabouts.

Of course, he absolutely could not imagine that when the main leader of Zixiao took Shen Ning, he flew through the air and never stayed on the ground.

Chasing the wind helplessly, had to tell Mochuan his discovery.

Mo Chuan made a decisive decision and hurried to the place where Chu Shaoyang was camping. But when they arrived, Chu Shaoyang's Nanyue soldiers had left the camp and left for several days.

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