Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1831: Human skin mask

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A heart chasing the wind suddenly jumped, almost jumping out of the cavity.

Over the past three days, he has been with Mo Chuan, watching the master looking for the whereabouts of the queen ’s mother, without any clues. He only hates his incompetence and cannot worry about the master. Watching the Master's heart languish in pain every day.

His biggest worry is that he will find the body of the Queen Mother. He can hardly imagine that if the Queen Mother is really gone, if the Master sees the Queen's Body ... the Master will be crazy!

But he was afraid of what came, and when he heard the word "female corpse" from afar, he was so excited that he just wanted to take care of him, drawing attention from the master.

But before he could speak, the master had rushed to the woman's body.

He secretly groaned in his heart, followed several ups and downs, and arrived beside Mo Chuan, but he said that he would not dare to look at the female corpse in front of him, only to secretly aim at the corner of his eye.

With just a glance, he was shocked, as if poured down by a head of cold water, and instantly cold.

"This, this, this ..." Chasing the wind trembling, his tongue knotted, almost speechless.

The female corpse in front of her was so swollen all over her body that she could not see her face, but at first glance, she looked very much like the queen's mother.

The same age and the same figure, at first glance, he almost shouted and shouted the words "Queen Queen".

He bit his lip hard, but he couldn't stop his teeth trembling.

"Chasing the wind." Suddenly, Mo Chuan's voice rang in his ears, very calm, as if nothing had happened, as plain as water.

"Lord, Lord, Master." Chasing Feng pinched his thigh, and then barely spoke.

"Look, is it her?" Mo Chuan asked calmly.

Chasing the wind couldn't help but looked up at him, and Mo Chuan's face was pale, but his expression was very calm, and he looked very indifferent, but Chasing the Wind saw a daze in the Master's eyes.

Although he was looking at the female corpse, he didn't seem to be looking again either, and there was no focus in his eyes.

Chasing the wind immediately understood that he didn't watch it at all, because he didn't dare to watch it.

Chasing the wind squatted beside the female corpse, although he did not dare to look, but he could not help but look.

The female corpse's face had been swollen with blisters, but the facial features looked ordinary, which was very different from Shen Ning's impression.

Chasing the wind couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but then, his gaze narrowed, reached over, and lifted a thin mask of human skin on the face of the female corpse.


There was a sudden exclamation in the crowd.

Under the mask, the facial features of the female corpse have been deformed, and there are traces of decay, but you can still see that the female corpse was beautiful and long black hair, and his face was very pale ...

Chasing the wind's hand, he couldn't help shaking, he looked up at Mo Chuan, his lips moved slightly, but he couldn't spit out a word.

"What's this!" Mo Chuan saw the human skin mask in his hand, grabbed it, and just glanced, his body suddenly fell into the ice cave.

This is his human skin mask!

Shen Ning secretly took it from him, but now it appears on the face of this female corpse. What does that mean?

Mo Chuan didn't dare to think about it, let alone look at it.

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