Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1857: The less you show, the more you care

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After she fell, it was a real deal. Ye Tingxuan fell to the ground like a rag bag, and her back was on the ground, only to feel that her bones were all broken.

"Hey, Princess Ben just fell you lightly, won't you really be okay?"

Princess Chang saw Ye Tingxuan's face pale and couldn't get up for a long time. She stepped forward and worried.

Ye Tingxuan smiled bitterly: "Princess, the gentleman does not speak, if he does, Ting Xuan is really not the princess's opponent."

Princess Chang ’s face was red, and he reached out and helped him up. When he saw that the sweat on his forehead had come out, he was distressed and regretted. He complained: "You are so sorry to say that you are all bad, if you are Do n’t lie to me deliberately, how can I be willing to drop you. "

Ye Tingxuan endured the pain and said, "Princess, you are not squeezed when you drop me, but you should never go to the emperor again and say something that makes the emperor sad."

Princess Chang raised her eyebrows: "Sad? Why can't I see where he is sad, Ning'er had something wrong, he didn't hear it, the princess said he was going to find Ning'er, he refused to agree, he was clearly I didn't put Ning'er's life and death in my heart. Look at the indifferent look on his face. Where it looks like sadness, it's simply unintentional! Huh! "

As soon as she thought of Mo Chuan's expressionless face, she felt angry.

Ye Tingxuan could not help shaking his head: "Princess, you and the emperor are brothers and sisters, don't you know who he is? Like me, he is always cold-hearted, hurt and wronged will be in my heart, no Ken reveals a little bit in front of others, you know Ting Xuan, how come you do n’t know the emperor? He and the empress dowager love deeply, the empress empress has an accident, the person who is most anxious and worried is him, the more he shows no emotion , It means that he cares more, but you are scolding him and accusing him like this, it is like stabbing him in his heart! Princess, you think about it, is it true that the emperor is as ruthless as you said? People! "

His words were very focused, and Princess Chang was stunned. After thinking for a while, he nodded slowly.

"What you said makes sense, I didn't believe that Brother Huang would be so ruthless, but ... but ..."

She talked and got angry again, her eyes widened and said, "Do you know that the queen mother wants the elder brother to set up a new one? I'm going to find the theory of the queen mother. , What do you mean by him? Does he also agree with the meaning of the mother, want to marry another woman as a wife, and set another woman as a queen! "

Ye Tingxuan was shocked like the princess when he first heard about the matter, but now he calmed down and thought for a moment, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Princess, the emperor said that there must be his ideas and reasons for doing so. He would n’t let you intervene. You are straight and impulsive. The queen mother is your mother. If you go to the queen mother without regard, Annoyed by the Queen Mother, you said, who would the Queen Mother hate? "

"Of course she will annoy me!" Princess Chang thought without hesitation.

"You stupid girl, you were born to the queen mother, where would the queen mother really be angry with you, but if you annoy her for the queen's affairs, she will remember all these anger on the queen's lady, Maybe it will make the empress dowager make up her mind, and after the establishment of a new one, would n’t you be kind enough to help? So the emperor will not let you intervene in this matter, understand? My princess!

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