Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Thousand-faced Master stunned slightly, and felt that thing from his arms, but it was a hairpin carved out of a peach wood branch, and the hairpin was like a wishful moire.

The hairpin is not very delicate, it can even be said to be very rough, only the cloud pattern is very smart.

He immediately remembered that this was the peach wood hairpin Shen Ning made for him. At that time, he was dressed as a woman and had her hair hanging down, so she believed that she cut off a peach stem and made this hairpin.

This hairpin was a mark of shame during his time. As long as he saw it, he hated his teeth.

Once he thought he had long thrown this mahogany hairpin into a corner where he couldn't find it, but he didn't expect this hairpin to be kept in his arms inadvertently.

"Young Master, there is an inn in front of us. Shall we go in and make a point, eat something and continue to hurry?"

Brother 2 lifted the car curtain and leaned in to ask.

Thousand-faced son didn't smell, just holding the piece of mahogany hairpin in a daze.

"Huh, young master, why do you have hairpins worn by women in your hands? Will it be the young master who has a sweetheart and wants to give it to sweethearts? Buy ten or eight, if you give it to your sweetheart, you must buy the most expensive and the most beautiful. I know there is a jewelry shop where the jewelry sold is exquisite and beautiful. I will take you there to pick it! "

Thousand-faced son returned to his eyes, looked at the mahogany hairpin in his hand, and muttered to himself: "Even if I bring the most precious and valuable hairpin in the world, I will not change it."

The two senior brothers blinked and were foggy, wondering if it was just a hairpin with broken wood. Does the young master need to be so baby?

"Second Senior Brother, how long will it be before we reach the Valley of God's Medicine?" The son of Qianmian put Taomu hairpin into his arms and looked out the window and asked.

"If we rush on without sleep, we will arrive in seven days at the most, but Master, your body is afraid that you can't eat it. Let's rush on slowly."

"No, we must get to the Valley of God's Medicine early, the sooner the better! Brother II, you go to the inn in front of you to buy some dry food. Let's eat on the road, but this is the second brother." Qianmian Gong said.

The two brothers patted their heads and said, "What hard work is not hard, young master, please don't be polite with me, look at me, it's all me confused! The old master of the cabinet told him that he must rush to the Valley of Divine Doctor as soon as possible The injury on your hand is extremely serious. If you miss the best time for treatment, I am afraid that it will be delayed ... "

He put down the car curtain, went to the roadside inn and bought a dozen big steamed buns as dry food, and then started to hurry up.

Thousand-faced son absolutely can't think of it. Not long after they left the inn, a carriage stopped, and a teenager wearing a purple dress jumped from the carriage.

As soon as he appeared, all the guests in the inn looked straight.

I saw the young boy with a golden crown, wearing a dark purple robe, sword eyebrows and staring eyes, delicate and perfect facial features, and there was a forceful wealth and fierce breath on his body.

The innkeeper at the inn was stunned. He had never seen such an expensive guest, and he even forgot to greet him.

The young man in purple clothes swept his eyes and landed on the shopkeeper's face, slowly opening his mouth, and his voice was clear and melodious.

"The shopkeeper, can there be any superb doctor in this town?"

The shopkeeper's busy came forward.

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