Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1868: Give her the most perfect impression

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He is quite smart, knowing that the man hiding in the forest is extremely skillful, he is not an opponent, and the other party is unclear, he does not know whether he is an enemy or a friend. Enemies.

There was no one in the forest quietly.

Chu Shaoyang raised his voice and asked again, no one answered.

He couldn't help but be surprised. The man fired the hidden weapon twice in succession, but he never showed up. Even he couldn't guess the other party's intention.

For a while, he stood on the ground, wondering whether he should continue to drive the carriage or wait for the man to show up.

After a while, no one showed up, and no hidden weapon continued to shoot.

Chu Shaoyang remembered Shen Ning, who was sleepy in the carriage, and was anxious. How could he be patient here to spend time with a faceless person? Now he gritted his teeth and raised his voice again:

"If you want to come to the seniors, you just want to make a little joke with the juniors, but the juniors still have something to do. They urgently need to hurry up. They also ask the seniors to forgive their sins.

He clenched his fist in the direction of the hidden weapon, and he jumped into the carriage, while raising his ears, listening to the movement in the forest.

Still silent.

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help but think, Isn't that man already gone?

He glanced at it, and landed on the quiver that was deeply engulfed in the carriage. He was surprised when he saw a letter on the quiver.

Could it be said that the man came just to deliver the letter?

Fearing that the letter was poisonous, he wrapped his hands in cloth and opened the letter. He only looked at it for a few moments. His body was shocked, his fingers trembling slightly, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

He was afraid that he was wrong, he rubbed his eyes, looked at it again, couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

It was like a dream good thing suddenly fell from the sky and hit him on the head, smashing him instantly, so that he had been flirting for a while, I don't know where he was.

The letter stated in detail the reason why Shen Ning had been unconscious, because she took a forgetful pill. After taking this pill, she would sleep for three days and three nights when she woke up She will forget all the past events and only remember what she saw in front of her. The letter also stated the time when she took the panacea and the time when she would wake up.

Chu Shaoyang is second to none, less than twelve hours before she wakes up.

In other words, if all that is said in the letter is true, then there is no need to seek medical advice. After twelve hours, she will open her eyes, she will forget all the previous ones, and she opens her eyes to see The first person will be yourself!

Chu Shaoyang couldn't be overjoyed. The thing he was most worried about was that Shen Ning would wake up and treat himself like he used to, either hatred or indifference.

If she really served the Forgetful Pill, forgotten the past, forgot Mo Chuan, then he and she would start again!

God bless! God's eyes!

Chu Shaoyang was willing to give everything in exchange for an opportunity to start again with her, but he never expected that this opportunity would fall on him from the sky.

He was throbbing with excitement, his breath was short, and his mind was just thinking. After twelve hours, she was about to wake up. What would you say to her? What will she look like when she sees herself?

No, no, he must leave here quickly. When she wakes up, he will give her a perfect impression and let her see a perfect self!

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