Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1887: Like doing a play

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"Young lady, are you awake?"

A gentle and gentle voice rang.

Shen Ning looked around and saw that she was a round-faced girl, looking at herself with a beaming smile.

"Uh." She nodded, sitting up and stretching.

"The young master told me that if the young lady was awake, she would invite the young lady to meet in the front hall." Said the girl.

"Meeting? What kind of guest?"

Shen Ning sat up, his face strange.

"I heard it was the young lady's family who came to visit the young lady. The young master was afraid that they would disturb the young lady's rest, so she left them to use tea in the lobby."

Shen Ning thought of it for a moment. Chu Shaoyang once said that he would send someone to notify his parents. He didn't expect to sleep for a while and the person came.

"Okay, take me to the lobby."

She sorted it out a little, and followed the maid down the embroidery building and walked towards the front hall.

The thought of facing the parents of the original owner of her body made her somewhat guilty, but more guilty.

The parents came to visit their daughter who was recovering from a serious illness, but they didn't expect to see themselves as a fake.

But now that he occupies this body, he will do a good job of filial piety for their daughter.

When she came to the front hall, she saw Chu Shaoyang sitting on the main seat at a glance, and a middle-aged couple were sitting in the seats next to him. The man was about 40 years old, with a rich face, dressed as a squire, and more than 30 women. Years old, with a dignified face and a stable sitting posture.

Hearing the announcement from the maidservant, the middle-aged couple looked at Shen Ning, the man had no expression, but the woman was excited, and quickly stepped forward and took Shen Ning's hand.

"Ning'er, you're finally okay. I'm worried that I can't eat enough food for these days, and I can't sleep. I have been receiving the news from Shaoyang that you are recovering. , This heart finally fell to the ground. "

As she said, she wiped tears from the corners of her eyes, and the expression on her face was shocked and happy.

Shen Ning's heart froze, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Are you my mother?" She asked softly.

The woman opened her eyes wide and stunned: "Yeah, Ning'er, I'm your mother-in-law, won't you even know your mother-in-law?"

Shen Ning frowned slightly, she felt something was wrong, the woman's expression was a bit exaggerated.

She looked at the middle-aged squire again: "So is he my father?"

"Yeah, hurry up and call your father. Your child is sick. Why did you start talking nonsense." The woman wiped her tears.

The middle-aged squire looked at Shen Ning, and finally there was a slight expression on his face. He nodded to her: "Ning'er, seeing that you are ill, I am very happy for my father."

His expression was majestic in his majesty, and he looked like his father.

Shen Ning looked at the middle-aged squire, and then at the woman. The suspicion in her heart was growing.

The expressions of these two people are not right.

Although she met the two for the first time, they did not have any impression of the two in her mind. If they were really the parents of the original owner of the body, how could they see the daughter who had recovered from the illness, and could not see the sincere concern ?

It looks more like acting!

She is the best at observing people's inner world from micro-expressions. She often has a look, a small inadvertent movement in her eyes, which can make her discover suspicious points. This middle-aged couple has many suspicious points.

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