Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The reason why he avoided traveling was just hoping that he could not see what was happening.

But her voice and smile were always or forgotten in his heart. Instead of fading, it became clearer.

Chu Shaobai was confused and walked at will.

He remembered when she first met her, she once said that she wanted to fly out of that big prison cage and roam freely. She said that the world is so big, she must go and see. He also promised the beauty, if one day, he must accompany her!

Words are still in the ears, but they are already right.

After she has become a country, he can only walk alone.

Even if the scenery is so beautiful, without her company, no matter how beautiful the scenery can not enter his eyes, in his eyes, but it is all gray.

Chu Shaobai wandered in this way, and went to several scenic spots, but he didn't have any scenery in his eyes. Every day he was just drunk and bought drunk, and he fell asleep when he was drunk. Spend in the drunken dream.

Until one day, he was drunk and drunk, and fell asleep on the table of the tavern. He vaguely heard the taverns talking about it, saying that the South Vietnamese country sent a hundred thousand troops to take Xichu. The road was broken, and the two towns of Nanguan and Shuanglu had been captured in succession, and the three roads sent by the court to support were beaten down and approached Yuezhou.

He raised his head in a trance, thinking he was dreaming.

The words in this dream are really ridiculous!

But when he looked up, he saw everyone in the tavern with a worried face. He was also weak when talking, and the situation of the loud noise was quite different from the usual.

Because everyone knows that once Yuezhou loses its guard, half of the country of the West Chu State has already given away, and the trend is gone!

Chu Shaobai shook his head, suddenly awake a bit, he reached out, grabbed one of the talkative people, and inquired about what happened.

The man vividly told the story of the incident, saying that Dingyuan Wang Chu Shaoyang fled to South Vietnam after he rebelled. He was deeply valued by the South Vietnamese emperor, and he was entrusted with heavy responsibility. Wan, attack Xichu.

Hearing this news, Chu Shaobai hardly believed his ears, and his alcoholic awareness woke up for the most part.

"Impossible! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

He blurted out, his face full of unbelievable colors, his fingers unknowingly exerting force, only to squeeze the wrist of the man who was speaking, and his voice was crying.

Chu Shaobai didn't even hear it. The man's words were like a thunder bomb, which made his ears bang, and he could hear nothing.

Suddenly, he yelled, let go of the man, and ran out of the shop, blinking, and the figure was gone.

The people in the tavern were all stunned. They only saw that Chu Shaobai came here every day to drink. Every time he drank, he would be drunk.

It was not until he saw that he exposed his terrifying light skills when he left, and they shocked the people. They are ordinary people. Everywhere they have seen such advanced skills, they thought that they encountered ghosts in the daytime, and they were scared. The ground kowtowed in the air, praying for the ancestors' blessings, and the drunkard must not wrap himself.

The place where this tavern is located is far from Yuezhou City.

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