Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1907: Exactly the same

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Chu Shaobai did not sympathize with Shen Biyun, but he felt that the feeling of the third brother became too fast.

The person who once remembered the heart, the third brother said that he can forget when he forgets, he can put it down when he puts it down, and he lives really chic.

He really wanted to rush over and ask the third brother, how he can do it, and why he can do it, but Chu Shaobai can't do it anyway!

The more he wanted to forget, but he remembered more firmly, her shadow flashed in front of his eyes every day, letting him care about his stomach and his dreams.

Anyway, the third brother is now fully immersed in happiness, he must not want to see himself at this time, if he has anything to say later

Chu Shaobai saw a slender shadow of a young girl appearing on the stairs, and the expression on the third brother's face changed, excited and expectant, with a trace of anxiety, and greeted him.

Strange, how could the third brother have such a strange expression!

Chu Shaobai didn't want to see the affectionate look of my third brother and the woman Qingqing in my heart. That scene would make him more emotionally hurt, and he would involuntarily think of Shen Ning.

He sighed softly, ready to leave.

Suddenly, the corner of his eyes inadvertently passed a corner of the girl's clothes, and the whole person was motionless as if acupunctured.

His eyes widened wide, and he looked at the girl with a horrified face.

Because the girl's face looks exactly the same as Shen Ning!

Is she Ning'er?

Isn't she Ning'er?

No, she must be Ning'er!

Because there can be no second face exactly like Shen Ning in this world, even if you can have the same facial features, you will not have the same expression.

Chu Shaobai looked at the girl who jumped down the stairs from the stairs, a heart almost stopped beating, and her eyes fixed her instantaneously.

Although they are far apart, he still can see clearly. The girl's appearance is beautiful and vulgar, not Shen Ning, who is it!

It's just that her long black hair was braided into a long braid, and the skirt was torn off by her, revealing a pair of calf-like legs, two sleeves were missing, and two snow lotus-like arms appeared to everyone In front of you.

With her appearance, Chu Shaoyang suddenly froze, and all the servants downstairs were also dumbfounded.

Even Chu Shaobai was shocked, all eyes were unbelievable.

This girl's dress is so extraordinary, she actually exposed both her arms and lower legs to the people. It is ... bold!

Chu Shaobai's handsome face instantly turned red in his ears. He hurriedly turned his eyes away, daring not to look at the girl's snow-white arms and calves, but a heart pounded.

He patted his chest and told himself, "That's not Ning'er, it must't be Ning'er! Ning'er will never be as bold and wild as her!"

Next, he saw the girl smiled and made a circle in front of Chu Shaoyang, dancing like a butterfly, and asked, "Are you saying that I look good?"

Her voice was crisp and sweet, like a beaded jade dish, ding ding dong dong.

This familiar voice sounded like a thunder burst in Chu Shaobai's ears, making him hardly believe his ears.

It's Ning'er, her voice is too much like Ning'er!

Chu Shaobai was at a loss for a while, sober for a while, he could not figure out whether the elven girl was Shen Ning.

If she is not, her appearance and voice are exactly the same as Ning'er.

But if she is ... then how could she appear in front of Chu Shaoyang with such an extraordinary dress, and still laugh like flowers at Chu Shaoyang?

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