Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

A heart in Chu Shaoyang's throat fell suddenly.

He eased his steps and stepped forward to the bed, staring at her.

Her eyes are closed, her long eyelashes are not moving, and her expression is quiet and peaceful.

Chu Shaoyang's heart was pounding. He really liked her appearance now. Even if she fell asleep, she wouldn't say anything. As long as she could watch her in front of her bed, it would be great for him. Happiness.

"Leave her free, let her go? Shit! It's pure shit! Chu Shaobai asshole, he thought that **** would deceive me, let her go? Think beautiful! I will say nothing in my life Let go of her hand, never! "

Chu Shaoyang slowly reached out and held Shen Ning's right hand out of the quilt.

Her fingers were cool and soft, and as long as she held them like this, he was filled with satisfaction.

Chu Shaoyang didn't speak or move, just staying in bed like that, letting time pass by quietly, until Xiao Se gradually stained the window paper, until she turned over, like a sign of waking up, he was quiet She let go of her hand, rolled over from the window, and quietly reached the bedroom downstairs, as if nothing had happened this night.

"No, I must quickly take her out of here, and I can't live here! Since Chu Shaobai can find her, others will be able to find her! Not to mention Chu Shaobai's departure, in case her news is revealed That's a big deal! "

Chu Shaoyang thought for a while, decided immediately, made up his mind, called the housekeeper, and gave a close order.

Shen Ning slept very calmly, almost did not even dream.

She had thought that after seeing Xiaobai, she would think of some past things in her dream, how could she know that it was not the case at all.

She woke up with her eyes rubbed, watching the candles in front of the bed have been completely burnt out, and turned into a pool of candle tears. She shook her head and sat up.

Immediately, a maid went upstairs to give her toiletries, served her with her hands and face, and helped her make up.

Shen Ning pushed away the maid and said, "I don't like combing your bun."

The bun bulging on the head looked uncomfortable, and she was not as comfortable as braiding a braid.

"Okay, whatever the young lady likes." The young ladies agreed politely, and let Shen Ning braid himself for them. They began to open the cage and organize their clothes.

Shen Ning saw them busy looking at each other from Linghua Jing and asked curiously: "What are you doing? Moving house?"

A maid replied: "Mrs. Young Master, the young master told me to organize the bags for the young lady. All the things in this room must be taken away without any effort."

"Take it away? Where did you take it? Wait, what did you say to organize your suitcase?" Shen Ning stopped her braided hands and stunned.

"The maids don't know. The maids just acted on the orders of the young master. What questions did the young lady have? When the young master came, the young lady asked the younger himself?"

Shen Ning nodded and waved his hand: "Okay, you clean up, I won't embarrass you, right, you go down and tell Chu Shaoyang, I want to see him."

"Yes, the maid will go right away." The maid went downstairs when she finished.

Shortly after, Shen Ning saw Chu Shaoyang's slender figure standing in her sight.

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