Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1923: The Gate of Memory

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Her words were purely natural, but it seemed like a thunder burst in Chu Shaoyang's ears.

He was stunned.

Because her words were almost the same as what Chu Shaobai said last night.

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help shaking his hands.

Sure enough, Chu Shaobai is the person who knows her best, but he doesn't know her at all.

She can be a beggar or a princess!

He wanted to bring all the best and richest things in the world to her to please her, but she didn't expect her to be rare at all!

Are they all wrong in what they did before?

Chu Shaoyang settled down, and then recovered his calm expression.

"Ning'er, you are married when you marry. Since you and I have worshipped the world, we are husband and wife. Naturally, where I go, you go where you are. Is there any reason why you stay here alone? I promise you to go back to South Vietnam After that, I will build a big garden for you. I will put all the beautiful scenery in this garden. Wherever you want to go, you can go where you want to play. Is n’t that good? "

Shen Ning couldn't help but laughed loudly.

"Hah, what you said is so funny, the beauty of the world is all contained in the garden? How is this possible!"

"As long as I want, there is nothing impossible. I, Chu Shaoyang, have never been able to do it!" Chu Shaoyang said word by word.

Shen Ning shook his head: "No, you didn't understand what I said. What I want is not a man-made landscape garden. Such a garden is lifeless. What I like is the natural scenery. If one day, I hope I can go here Take a look at the world. You said that there are four countries here, but I have n’t been to any other place except here. I want to walk slowly everywhere and slowly appreciate the scenery of the four countries. "

"Okay, I will accompany you!" Chu Shaoyang said immediately, "As long as you accompany me back to Nanyue, I will deal with the business, and I will take you all over the world, okay?"

Shen Ning looked at him suspiciously: "Aren't you the prince? Doesn't the prince have many things to do? How can I have time to accompany me to travel the world?"

"As long as you want to do it, I will definitely do it. Why is this difficult?" Chu Shaoyang said without hesitation.

Shen Ning moved.

It is undeniable that what Chu Shaoyang said has a strong attraction to her. She would love to see the world. It would be much more convenient to have a strong bodyguard around her.

"Chu Shaoyang, won't you lie to me?"

"Silly girl, I'm your husband, how could you deceive you?" Chu Shaoyang smiled and pulled her long tress braggingly.

He thinks she looks very cute in this way. This quirky braid looks different in his eyes.

Somehow, his move suddenly made Shen Ning's heart move, thinking of something in a trance.

The words "silly girl" were like a key that opened the door in a corner of her memory.

There was once a soft and spoiled voice calling her like this, and she had rubbed her hair spoiledly.

But who is that person?

Shen Ning was sure that person was definitely not Chu Shaoyang in front of him, because the voice was affectionate and gentle, which was completely different from Chu Shaoyang's voice.

She frowned, thinking hard, but when she explored her memory and the door to it, she suddenly felt a sharp tingle, as if someone had knocked a nail into her head.

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