Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1968: Thank you eighteen generations

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"What bet?"

"I bet my 3rd brother he will jump down and die for you, would you dare to bet with me?"

"Gamble! Gambling! Others don't understand him, do I not understand him yet? He definitely won't ..."

Chu Shaobai interrupted her and stared at her intently: "If my third brother really jumped the cliff for you, would you forgive him and return to him?"

Shen Ning said without thinking: "Xiao Bai, I bet with you, he will never jump off the cliff, he ..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Chu Shaoyang cry out loudly:

"Ning'er, wait for me! I will accompany you!"

Shen Ning was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked straight over the top of his head.

I saw a figure falling down like clouds and fog, that was Chu Shaoyang!

"Save him! Xiaobai, save him quickly!" She shouted, her voice tearing.

Where did Chu Shaobai wait for her to say that he had already prepared, and the belt in his right hand closed, the long rope wrapped around the pine tree suddenly loosened, and rolled towards Chu Shaoyang in the air, and lived in Chu Shaoyang. Then he threw up his strength.

Chu Shaoyang flew to the top of the cliff like Teng Yun was driving the fog.

He had reported the mortal heart, and he wanted to get the summit to turn around, until he stepped on the hard rock, he opened his eyes, looked around, and found himself standing on the edge of the cliff, and his mind was suddenly in a trance.

what happened?

Was it just a dream I had just lost myself? He seemed to hear Ning's voice in his dream!


That is not a dream! It's really real! Ning'er, she's not dead! Chu Shaobai did not die!

"Chu Shaobai, you bastard! Come up to me! Send me Ning'er unscathed!"

Chu Shaoyang recovered, and immediately wanted to understand the ins and outs of the whole thing. His heart was furious, and he cried out loudly under the cliff.

Chu Xiaobai's laughter only heard from the air.

"Haha, my third brother, my younger brother is not holding his head to the top, his feet are not touching the ground, he is swinging in the air, you want me to go up, but you need to help me."

He just threw Chu Shaoyang up, and then the long rope turned around and continued to roll on the pine tree, with Shen Ning floating in the air.

Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said: "You said, how can I help you!"

"You throw a long cable down to catch the younger brother. The younger brother will naturally take Ning'er up safely. You can rest assured that Ning'er is very good. She didn't faint because the younger brother took her off the cliff, just because the third brother Your jump really scared her soul. Until now, her face is still white without a little blood, third brother, how do you say thank you younger brother? "

Chu Shaoyang gritted his teeth and scolded: "I thank your eighteen generations!"

The moment that Chu Shaobai hugged Shen Ning, it really scared him away, this stupid boy actually let himself thank him? When the stinky boy comes up, he can't get his heart out of his mind without killing him!

Chu Shaobai laughed again and shouted, "Third Brother, you haven't experienced the pain of the younger brother until now. It's really a waste of the younger brother's heart for you! Let's talk in advance. After the younger brother goes up, You can't be rude to the younger brother, otherwise, I will let go of your beloved girl, and then you can jump off the cliff and die again, and the younger brother will never try to save you again. "

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