Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 201: Notification letter

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"Wang ... Princess Wangniang!" Chun Tao opened her mouth in surprise, and felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Does the princess really want to win the favor and favor of the prince?

"This is Liu Yunxuan, where Princess Ben has the final say, Chun Tao, do as Princess Ben ordered." Shen Ning lowered her face.

Chun Tao jumped in her heart and hurriedly agreed.

She dared not get close to Mo Chuan, and blessed Mo Chu far away.

"Black escort, please come with slaves."


Black guard!

The muscles in the corners of Mo Chuan's eyes twitched fiercely, and he took a deep breath, deciding to adapt to this new title starting today.

He glanced at Shen Ning and stepped into the garden without a word. Chun Tao hurriedly stepped up and caught up.

Shen Ning feels funny, his back is long and straight, his pace is steady, like an arrogant crane.

Interestingly, I actually turned back as an assassin as a bodyguard. It was really interesting.

Xiaoru soon returned to Liuyunxuan with Xia He.

As soon as she saw Shen Ning, she wowed and burst into tears. She threw herself into Shen Ning's arms and cried with a choked throat. She couldn't say a word.

"Silly girl, what are you crying for? Isn't it good for me? There's not a lot of hair, don't believe you count?"

Shen Ning smiled and patted her back, deliberately teasing her with jokes, but she was very moved.

Xiaoru raised her blurry tears and sniffed her nose: "Miss, slave-maid ... slave-maid really thought you would never see you in this life, woo, woo!"

"Okay, don't cry anymore, if you cry again, your eyes will become rotten peaches, and you will be ugly to see no one."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoru hurriedly wiped away her tears and sobbed: "The slave's eyes are not rotten peaches, Missy, you know to scare slaves."

She turned around Shen Ning left and right for several times and found that Shen Ning was indeed not injured. Then she sighed in relief and summoned her round cheeks, scolding resentfully: "Master bastard! Slave hates to die He is! He is a big villain who has no heart! Miss, if you really have something wrong, the slave-servant will never let go of that bastard! "

She saw Chu Shaoyang's horse whip drawn on the red horse's buttocks with her own eyes. This made the Missy's horse startled and jumped out of the fence, so she hated Chu Shaoyang to the extreme, and she never had any worries when she talked. , Bitterly scolded a **** lord.

Chuntao and Xiahe were so scared that they had blue lips and hurriedly covered Xiaoru's mouth.

"Sister Xiaoru, don't insult the prince in this way. This is a great disrespect. If it reaches the ear of the prince, you will lose your head."

"I'm not afraid of losing my head, Chu Shaoyang is a jerk, jerk, big jerk!" Xiao Ru blushed and continued to scold.

Shen Ning was funny and curious, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Ru, if you talk about it, if I were really dead, how would you deal with that **** prince?"

Xiao Ru rushed out without thinking: "The slave-servant will go to court! The slave-servant doesn't believe that there is no kingly law in this world. Even if someone else doesn't rule for you, the emperor will definitely do justice, absolutely not Let go of the murderer. "

"Sue Yu Zhuang?" Shen Ning felt fresh and asked, "Can you see the emperor?"

Xiaoru suddenly looked like a deflated ball, his small face collapsed, and he was frustrated and said, "I can't see it."

The emperor lives deep in the guarded royal palace. How could she be seen by a slave-servant!

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