Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2222: Keep a name when doing good

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"Guest? I treat you as a brother, do you actually treat me as an outsider? Well, let me go, let me go! Chu Shaoyang, you are a monster with no heart and no lungs!"

Tuobazheng was annoyed and left without looking back.

Chu Shaoyang said nothing, and let him go out.


The housekeeper had been waiting outside the door for a long time, but he could n’t call on Chu Shaoyang and did n’t dare to come in. He heard the words and hurried in: “What did the lord say?”

He looked up at Chu Shaoyang's face respectfully and carefully, unable to conceal the shock on his face, and still could not accept the fact that the prince became blind.

"Call the guards and all the servants in the mansion together and interrogate one by one, and find out for the king how these arsonists who set fire are mixed in, and there must be a traitor in them!"

"Ah?" The butler opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

"Why not do it yet?"

The housekeeper was dumbfounded, thinking to the second prince, you can hurt the minions.

He swallowed and said, "When I return to the prince, all the guards in the house ... all were driven away, and none of them remained."

Chu Shaoyang raised his eyebrows: "Get rid of it? Who told you to get rid of it?" His face was angry.

The housekeeper fell to his knees with a thump, before he had time to speak. Only a voice came from the door of the room.

"Of course it's the prince!" Tuoba Zheng walked in from the door with a smug look.

It ’s not his Tuobazheng ’s style after doing good things, so he heard that Chu Shaoyang asked about the guard, and he hurried back immediately after getting angry.

"You drove away the guards in my house, why?" Chu Shaoyang looked up in his direction, and there was still nothing in his eyes.

Tuobazheng snorted: "Those in your house are not guards at all. They are all rice bins. I only know that eating is not good. Even the gate does not look good. It actually makes people come in and set fire. I did n’t catch it, what are they doing! The prince asked the steward to drive them all away, and then transferred 30 escorts from the prince ’s house to you, each one was trained by me personally. The food buckets in your house are ten times stronger! "

He was complacent, with an expression of invitation.

"Crack!" He heard a sound that his teeth were almost crumbling.

Chu Shaoyang's godless eyes fell on his face, his voice almost freezing to death: "You said, you drove all the guards out of my house?" He said one by one.

"Yeah, all drove away, no one left!" Tuoba Zheng nodded.

"Bang!" A huge fist hit the bridge of his nose.

Tuobazheng was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground. He just felt his nose sour, a hot thing came out of his eyes, and two heat streams also flowed under his nose.

He stretched out his hand, with tears and blood on his hands, and he suddenly became furious.

"Chu Shaoyang, are you **** sick? Why did you hit me!" He jumped up and slammed into Chu Shaoyang without thinking.

Chu Shaoyang listened to the wind to discern the shape, flicked it lightly, and put a palm in his backhand, hitting Tuobazheng's chest, and immediately knocked him back three steps.

Tuobazheng was so painful that he had a cracked mouth and rubbed his chest, shouting: "Chu Shaoyang, you will revenge!"

Chu Shaoyang did not pursue, standing tall and standing coldly, said: "The second prince, I have not pursued the crime of letting the murderer out, it is already very kind."

"Release the murderer? Who said the prince had released the murderer?" Tuoba Zheng shouted.

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