Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2236: How dare you laugh at her!

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The burned parts were on her arms and her back on her calves.

The man first applied ointment to her calf, and then her eyes fell on the wound of her arm. She felt a slight shock in his body, and then applied ointment to her arm casually.

"I'll do it myself," she said suddenly.

She saw the Sichuan word engraved on her arm. Her injury was just below the Sichuan word. She didn't want to be touched by the man's dirty hand.

The man's fingers twitched slightly, but he ignored her words. His fingers caressed her smooth arms, causing her to goose goose bumps.

"What is this?" The man asked in a low voice.

"A word." She said briefly, knowing what he was asking.

"Why do you have to engrave the word" chuan "here?"

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Just don't know, I don't need to lie to you." She replied casually, thinking quickly in her mind, how to escape from this perverted hand.

The man stopped talking, applied medicine to her arm, and then turned her around effortlessly.

"You ..." She was caught off guard and suddenly lay on his lap. The hand that had been pressed against her chest was also pressed.

"do not move."

The man's voice did not sound, and she felt that her back was also covered with ointment, and the hot pain alleviated at once.

But this did not resolve the anger and shame in her heart.

This **** man, he looked at her back again!

She only hopes that he has finished the medicine and quickly get out!

But contrary to expectations, the man's fingers were finished with the medicine, and did not leave her skin, but touched slowly on her back, the fiery fingertip with a penetrating force, wherever she went, let her His skin shuddered.

She clenched her lips so that she would not scold herself.

"Does it hurt?" She heard the man's low voice.

She was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

The man's hand stopped on her arm and pointed to the lettering on her arm.

"When you engraved, did you ... hurt?"

It turns out this **** asked this!

Shen Ning thought, "I told you, I don't know, I don't know who carved it. At that time, I had a serious illness and lost my previous memories."

The man was silent.

His hand moved away from her arm, but she didn't relax her nervous nerve, because she didn't know what the man was going to do next.

"Where else do you need medicine for pain?" The man asked again.

She shook her head, hoping that the pervert would leave here soon.

"Are you afraid of me?" The man's eyes seemed to see through her through her back.

She bit her lip and didn't speak, but wouldn't it be the default if she didn't speak?

"Of course not afraid," she answered quickly.

But she answered too quickly, with a slight tremor in her voice.

Damn, what's wrong with yourself!

Shen Ning is both angry and frustrated, why is there no clothes on his body, even his head becomes muddled!

She seemed to hear a grin from the man's chest.

Yes, this **** **** is laughing at her.

Then let him laugh!

One day, she will return the humiliation he received today to him intact!

She turned back, staring angrily at the man, but her eyes widened at once, and she couldn't hide the panic in her eyes.

Because this man is slowly undressing.

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