Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2254: Want to sleep with you

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"Why don't you get away?"

Shen Ning stared at him like an angry little beast.

"You are my wife, I am your husband, I am where you are," the man said calmly. "Now we have enough to eat and drink, we should sleep."

Hearing the word sleep, she suddenly shivered cleverly.

The man stood in front of the bed. The tall figure blocked the candlelight. He picked up the ribbon and tied her hands again. After thinking about it, she tied her feet.

There was a wave of fear in her heart, but she bit her lip hard not to let her fear show.

"Beast! Don't use violence if you have the ability, don't you feel mean and shameless to a woman in this way?" She scolded.

The man shook his head: "I don't think I have anything mean and shameless, nor did I use violence against you, I just want to sleep with you." His tone was very serious.

He said, I want to sleep with you, just like I want to eat with you as easily.

Shameless! Shameless!

Shen Ning was so angry that she couldn't dream of such a shameless man in this world. Didn't he know how shame was written?

"Bird ..." Opening her mouth, she just wanted to scold, and the man suddenly put a finger on her lips.

"You better stop scolding me for beasts. I am not a beast. I also don't like to hear these two words from your mouth. I prefer to hear you call me ..." He paused. "... ... husband. "He said lowly.

"Dream!" Her suppressed voice rang from under his fingertips.

"I will not do anything that forces you, nor will I use violence to get you. You better lie quietly now, don't say, don't move, because ... I'm sleepy."

The man stretched out his arms and hugged her, and then lay beside her, with one hand on her waist and the other on the quilt, covering him and her.

There was a trace of tiredness in his voice. Suddenly, he raised his hand and brought a strong wind. The two candlelights at the head of the bed died out, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

The man leaned on her side, head to head with her, face to face, breathing and smelling.

She wanted to avoid being unavailable and had to lean back, trying to avoid the man's burning breath.

In the darkness, the man's eyes seemed to be still on her, and her actions brought the man with a mocking smile.

"Aren't you tired? Silly girl." The man stretched out his palm, rubbed her hair, and then pressed her back of the head, keeping her face against her chest.

She couldn't move as if she was imprisoned, and her breath was full of the breath from his body, making her angry again.

"Let me go!" Her voice came out muffled, struggling a few times.

"If you relax, you will feel very comfortable, obedient, don't make trouble, let's sleep." The man patted her hair, the tone was like appeasing a naughty child.

"You ..." She struggled again.

"If you riot again, you will be at your own risk." The threatening voice of the man rang in her ears.

She knew what the "consequence" was, so she gritted her teeth fiercely and gave up her struggle, allowing him to hug herself like a rag doll.

"Okay, sleep."

The man leaned his head on her shoulder, said lowly, and then said nothing again.

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