Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2279: Want your heart

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Mo Chuan's teeth tightened and his heart began to tingle.

"Are you going to leave me?" There was a tremor in his voice.

She seemed to chuckle a little: "No, I just want freedom."


These two words gave him a heavy hammer.

Is it all in her heart that he gave her all shackles and cages?

"You always say you love me, but every one of you wants to imprison me by your side, Chu Shaoyang is like this, you are like this, I feel like a doll, and you are fighting for it, he Built a big king's mansion, like a beautiful cage, holding me in it, but you, but want to take me back to your country and use a bigger cage to hold me, but do you have Asked me, what do I want? Do I want to live in this big cage. "

Shen Ning looked away from Mo Chuan's face, she looked at the moonlight outside the window, bright and clean.

"I don't want to," she continued, with a faint tone: "I don't want to at all. The cages you built are beautiful. You give me the best enjoyment, food, clothes and play. It ’s something many people ca n’t even dream of, but these ... are n’t what I want at all, and I ... are n’t rare at all. "

She looked at him and spit out three words calmly: "including you."

Mo Chuan's heart seemed to be pulled hard by the whip, and his muscles became stiff with pain.

He breathed heavily, glaring at her instantaneously, speechless.

"Do you like me?" She suddenly raised her eyelashes and asked him.

"Like." He said without hesitation.

"Then do you love me?"


"How much love?"

"For you, I can give up everything." He said firmly, every word came from his heart.

"Can you abandon me?"


Mochuan was suddenly silent.

Give her up?

Do not! He can't do it!

Giving up her is like taking away his heart from his body, he can't do it!

"If you really love me as you said, then prove it to me, instead of talking about it, really love someone, not want to possess her and imprison her, but to make her happiness happy , Give her whatever she wants. Only in this way can she get the heart of a woman, otherwise, all you get is her body. "

She turned over and continued to lie on her back, the words seemed to murmur, but also to him.

Every word in Mo Chuan is clear and clear. He knows these sounding principles, but it is one thing, but it is really another thing to do.

Love her and give her what she wants?

If she wants to leave him, should he let her leave without hesitation?

Is there such a great love in this world?

"Do you really want to leave me?" He asked dumbly.

"No, I don't want to leave you." She replied, this sentence rekindled his hope, but her next sentence made the fire of hope he had just risen extinguish again.

"I just want freedom." She whispered: "If you give me freedom, I will thank you, very very grateful to you."

Ghosts want your gratitude!

What I want is your heart!

Mo Chuan breathed heavily. For a moment, he really wanted to dig out her heart and ask if there was any one in her heart! Why is every word she said so indifferent and heartless, every word made him heartbroken.

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