Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2341: Can afford you

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Shen Ning did not leave the town immediately, but found an inn to stay.

At noon it was time to eat, she walked out of the inn with a chase, walking on the endless streets.

Chasing the wind does not need to ask, but also knows what she is going to do, her heart is suddenly tight.

"This restaurant looks good, let's go eat at this restaurant." Shen Ningxing pointed at the front.

It was a two-storey restaurant, and it looked really good.

But Fanze knows that the price of this restaurant must be good.

He squeezed the broken silver in the purse and hesitated.

"Why or not, Miss Shen, let's switch to another one. They all say that good-looking things are not tasty. Although this restaurant looks very good, the dishes made may not taste good."

As a escort, he always said what the master said, he would do anything.

It was the first time he raised an objection like this.

When he said this, his face was red, and he looked awkward, not to mention how embarrassing.

But he would rather be embarrassed now, which is much stronger than the embarrassment of being unable to pay at the restaurant.

"Huh, chasing the wind, have you been here? Have you eaten anything from this restaurant?" Shen Ning asked in surprise.

"No, my subordinates are here for the first time."

"Then how do you know that the food in this restaurant is not good? I think it must be very good. You can see that the restaurant is full of guests up and down. Let's go and eat in this restaurant."

Shen Ning will walk.

Just two steps away, the chasing body flickered, and her face embarrassedly stood in front of her.

"Mr. Shen and Shen, the subordinates feel that the restaurant next to it is not bad. Let's go to eat there." He pointed to a small shop next to him.

"It's not good." Shen Ning shook his head and looked at Chasing the Wind, suddenly realized, "Chasing the Wind, won't you have no money in your pocket?"

Her voice was not small, attracting people near the restaurant to look in this direction.

The wind-chasing face flushed to the root of the ear, let alone embarrassment.

"Yo, there are a lot of people who want to chase other girls this year, but can't bear to pay for it!"

"Isn't it? As the saying goes, the child can't bear the wolf, and even the meal is reluctant to invite other girls to eat, and they want to please the other girls, isn't it a dream?"

Some diners who were about to enter the door looked at the scene like a play and greeted Shen Ning with a smile:

"Little girl, he can't afford you to eat, I invite you to eat, just tell me what you want to eat."

Shen Ning hadn't spoken yet, and the shame on his face had quickly turned into anger.

He glanced coldly at the people who were talking coldly around him. Although he didn't say a word, those people felt a chill rise from the tail vertebrae, and they couldn't help shivering.

This man's eyes are terrible!

They no longer dared to say more and dispersed.

"Chasing the wind, you can go in with me boldly. You are my subordinate. How can I be a master if I can't afford you as a master?"

Shen Ning smiled slightly and stepped into the restaurant.

Chasing the wind helplessly, had to follow behind her.

He was muttering in his heart, don't look at Shen Shen's so generous words, but her pocket was cleaner than her face.

When she left the master, the master prepared a silver ticket that she could not spend in her life.

Although she said that the man owed her a huge sum of money, the man was deceived by herself and she did not get the money.

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