Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2371: Have a nice talk

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Zhou Zhongkang couldn't help but feel ashamed of his previous thoughts.

So if he thought about it well before, he would not say it anyway.

Asking her to help solve the case is just one of the best excuses for him to invite her, and his real thoughts, even the little man Wufu who grew up with him, did not know.

"Master! Master!" Wufu's cry suddenly rang at the gate of the courtyard.

Zhou Zhongkang frowned and looked up unpleasantly: "What's the matter, make a fuss, I didn't tell you, don't panic when something happens, you want to ..."

His words were stuck in his throat, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the people who appeared at the door of the courtyard.

Behind Wufu, a girl wearing a moon-white dress stood upright and smiled gently at him.

"Shen, Shen, Shen girl."

Zhou Zhongkang's mouth widened in surprise, and it took a long time to close it together, stuttering.

"Master Zhou." Shen Ning nodded to him with a smile, glancing at the green bamboo in the courtyard, and smiled slightly: "These bamboos look really good."

Her expression was natural, and her compliments came from her heart.

Zhou Zhongkang was originally a little nervous, and didn't know what to say. When she heard a lightly written sentence, her nervous mood suddenly disappeared.

With a slight smile on his face, he said: "Miss Shen also likes bamboo?"

Shen Ning nodded with a smile and walked slowly into the bamboo forest. His eyes fell on a dark bamboo pole. He said strangely: "The bamboo stalk is straight and purple-black, but the leaves are exceptionally green. Could it be Mozhu? "

Mozhu is a rare rare species in bamboo, but it is the best material for making flute, flute and other musical instruments, but it is not easy to plant and very rare.

Zhou Zhongkang said in surprise: "Miss Shen also knows Mozhu? Yes, these clusters are Mozhu."

"Master Zhou's clumps of black bamboo grow very well, and the bamboo pole has become a deep purple color. The flute sounds produced will become clearer and clearer, and the sound of flute will be more lingering."

Zhou Zhongkang's eyes were even brighter, saying: "It turns out that Miss Shen not only understands bamboo, but also understands musical instruments. I do have a few tubes of bamboo flute and hole flute made of ink bamboo. If she is interested, she can just give me a comment. . "

He was born in the two rankings of Jinshi. He is quite poetic and poetic of literati Mo Ke. He not only likes bamboo, but also likes musical instruments. Shen Ning recognized Mo Zhu at a glance, and also knew the magical use of this bamboo.

Shen Ning smiled and shook his head: "I don't know anything about musical instruments, but I have seen the description of Mozhu in books, but today I can see the real thing with my own eyes, which is also a feast for the eyes. I don't know that Master Zhou except Mozhu Besides, what else? "

Zhou Zhongkang smiled and led her to the depths of the bamboo forest, explaining the types of bamboo along the way.

He loves bamboo the most, and there are no fewer than ten varieties of bamboo planted in this courtyard.

Originally, after seeing Shen Ning, his heart was tense and his speech began to stutter, but Shen Ning started talking about his favorite topic. He could not help opening the conversation box, and his speech became fluent and natural, no longer restrained.

Chasing the wind and Wufu followed behind them, and Wufu's face showed a happy smile.

It's been the first time that he has been with his son for the first time, and this is the first time he has seen him talking with a girl's family.

It seems that the son is very fond of this girl Shen, maybe in the future ...

He couldn't help thinking more and more beautiful, and the smile on his face became more and more brilliant.

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