Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He suddenly returned to the wheelchair, his eyes glaring at Chu Shaoyang, and it seemed that a fire was burning inside.

If his gloomy eyes were like a dead ash just now, this dead ash is now resurgent.

"But I am not willing to give up everything I get right away, my elaborate deployment over ten years, my hard work, my results! So I decided that I want an heir to inherit everything I have, I want him to replace me Come to fulfill my wish, I want to help him sit on the most honorable throne in the world, see him sitting in that position, just like myself! "The more he said the more excited, every wrinkle on his face seemed to glow Brilliant.

"So, you chose me, did you?"

Chu Shaoyang's tone was cold, and there was still no movement in his face, but the heat in his eyes had betrayed his ideas.

He now found out that the words of Lord Zixiao Pavilion had a little credibility.

If it is really like the Lord Xiaoxiao said, it means that the world's first big opportunity fell in front of him. If he didn't reach out and grab it firmly, he would be the first big fool in the world.

His palm was hot and his eyes were fiery.

Somehow, he actually believed in this first meeting of the Lord of the Purple Skies!

He believed that his remarks were not made up to deceive himself, but from his heart.

"Yes, I chose you! You are the most suitable person I have ever seen. You are cold, you are unsympathetic, you are ruthless and unrighteous, you leave the country and you are scolded! But none of this is true. You, they do n’t know the real you. And the place where they are not ashamed of you is exactly where I admire you most. "

The tone of the Lord Zixiao Pavilion suddenly changed, full of appreciation and admiration.

He looked at Chu Shaoyang's eyes as if looking at the most precious gem under the sky.

"You have excellent qualifications and you are a martial arts genius. You just don't have a good teacher to pick you up, so that you haven't passed that step. As long as you learn from me for three months, your martial arts will be successful in other days! But this is not important. The level of martial arts does not determine everything. What I like more is your character, your perseverance. It is really a good seedling that has never been encountered for a hundred years. Good seedling! "

He was full of praise for Chu Shaoyang.

Chu Shaoyang was not boasted.

As a prince, he heard flattery and flattery the most from childhood to flattery. He would have heard ears start to cocoon.

Although Lord Zixiao's words were very ear-heard and pleasant to hear, he only felt ironic.

Where has he been criticized and scolded by people, has he become the most admired place of the Lord Zixiao?

This is not ironic!

He has always been his own way, and he does not care about the perceptions and opinions of others, but those people who are complimented on the surface and turned and scolded are not ignorant, but they never care about it.

"You just like me that way?" Chu Shaoyang's voice was cold.

Lord Zixiao slowly shook his head again: "These are the places where I admire you, but I sent someone to investigate you in detail, and found that you are not in line with my candidate. But if you become a superior, you must not You can be emotional, not petted, and you ca n’t lose your mind for a woman. But you have done all kinds of incredible things for a woman, which makes me very disappointed with you. "

Chu Shaoyang's eyes twitched, but he didn't speak while clenching his teeth.

He knew what the Lord Zixiao meant, but he did not regret it, and he would never regret everything he did for her.

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