Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3090: No need for ears and mouth

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Mo Chuan shook his head: "No, I really have something to do."

"You want to see the queen's sister, don't you?" Tana, though simple, was not stupid.

"Not bad." Mo Chuan had no patience to perfuse her.

Shen Ning has returned to the capital. Originally, he wanted to conceal the incident from the empress dowager Zhou, but now even Tana knows it. I'm afraid it will have passed into the ears of the empress dowager Zhou.

In this case, he went to meet with fairness and justice, let everyone know.

"Then you must have a lot of things to say to the Queen Sister, hee hee, I will not disturb you to whisper first, and I will go to the Queen Sister to play next time."

Tana still smiled, her cheerful tone made Mo Chuan and Xiao Xizi stunned.

Especially Xiao Xizi, staring at Tana all the time with strange eyes.

The reaction of the third princess is too strange.

If any other girl heard that her favorite man was looking for another girl, she would have been crying or making trouble, but she still had a smile on her face, didn't she want to marry the emperor wholeheartedly?

How could this be!

Xiao Xizi grabbed her scalp hard and watched Tana leap away from Yushu Study like a cheerful little deer.

He saw Mo Chuan preparing to leave and was busy following.

Unexpectedly Mo Chuan waved his hand:

"You don't have to follow along. Also, Primary 4 has returned to Beijing. In the future, you will still return to where you should go. I don't need so many people around me to serve, as long as Primary 4 is enough."

There was a chuckle in Xiao Xizi's heart, and he fell to his knees.

"Emperor, please don't chase the minions away. If the minions are not attentive enough, you can scold the minions. The minions just want to stay with you."

He kowtowed as he said.

Mo Chuan was unimpressed, and said coldly: "During this time, you worked hard, just beside me, you don't need too many ears and mouth, where are you from, where are you going back."

After he finished, he left without looking back.

Xiao Xizi opened his mouth wide and looked at Mo Chuan's back. The expression on his face seemed to swallow a bitter gourd.

The meaning of the emperor has clearly told him not to want him.

The reason is very clear. The emperor had long known that he was the ear sent to her by Empress Zhou, but he always tolerated not showing it. He thought he had done a good job and concealed the emperor.

During this time, he did report a lot of news about the emperor to Empress Zhou. Now the emperor wants to chase him away, it seems that he is not wronged.

Not to mention how Xiao Xizi complained about herself, Mo Chuan changed her casual clothes and left the palace.

He went directly to Shen's backyard and jumped into the wall.

He has come every night these past few days, and has been familiar with the road for a long time.

As soon as she entered the yard, she saw her door wide open and couldn't help but stunned.

Xiao Ruzheng came out of the small kitchen with a plate of steaming dim sum, and at a glance saw a man in the yard, he was surprised and rushed over and cried, "Where are you wild men! Who asked you to come into my house Miss's yard, go out! Come out soon ... "

Mo Chuan turned around, and Xiaoru stuck in his throat for the rest of his face. His small face was astonished and said blankly: "Emperor ... Emperor? Am I dazzled? I seem to see the Emperor coming ... Impossible, I must have read it wrong! "

She shook her head hard.

"You are right, it's me." Mo Chuan said calmly, and took the dessert plate from her hand. "You go down first, I have something to tell her."

After a pause, he said, "Speak alone."

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