Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3092: Flowers, beautiful and beautiful

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No one knows how long Mo Chuan stayed here, and no one knows what the two said, or perhaps nothing.

When Xiaoru returned from the lake with his hands full of mud, Mochuan had long disappeared.

Only Shen Ning sat in front of the window and smiled at a peony flower Ning Eye in the courtyard.

"Huh, what about the emperor and the emperor?" Xiao Ru asked stupefiedly.

"I do not know."

Shen Ning smiled, but didn't turn around, her gaze always gazing softly at the peony.

"What did he leave?" Xiaoru asked silly again.

"I do not know."

Shen Ning still said that, the smile on his lips was always rippling.

"Miss, what are you looking at?"

Xiaoru couldn't help looking at Shen Ning's eyes.

"I am looking at the flower, it is beautiful and beautiful."

Beautiful and beautiful?

Can Xiao Ru look at the left and right, is this an ordinary peony flower? I do n’t see how beautiful and beautiful it is compared to other peony!

What's wrong with you, Miss?

Xiao Ru didn't react until he froze, slapping his head.

"Beating your confused girl." She said to herself.

Missy is clearly happy to see the emperor, so it is good to see everything beautiful.

Xiaoru also grinned, and couldn't express her happiness.

The thing she likes most to see is the smile on the face of the elder lady. As long as the elder lady is happy, she is happy. The elder lady likes it, and she will like it too.

I just hope that this time the emperor, do n’t let down the heart of Missy.

"Xiao Ru, go and tell Lin, I will invite her to dinner at night and let her prepare well."

Shen Ning suddenly said.

Xiao Ru froze for a moment, almost suspecting that she had heard it wrong.

Missy, do you want Lin to eat?

"Miss, you ... do you really want to invite her to dinner? But why?" She dumbfounded.

"Because of her hospitality these days."

Shen Ning finally turned around lazily, with a smile on his face, like a lazy cat who had fallen asleep, and said with a smile: "She has spent so much effort to build such a beautiful yard, and she comes every day. I asked An to kneel and knelt, just to please me. She was so diligent, and of course I wanted to pay her a favor, not to mention that it was in Shenfu, saying that it was my treat, not asking her to prepare for Zhang Luo. "

"But ... but ..." Xiaoru's face was still flushed, and he held it for a long time before saying: "Did Missy just forgive her so easily? Did you forget how she was used to bully Missy before? If it were n’t for her indulgence, how could Miss II and those people treat you like that!

Her eyes were red, almost crying.

Not for grievances, but to worry about Miss Li being deceived by Lin again.

This was the case with the old lady. No matter how much grievance or humiliation she suffered, as long as Lin said two sweet words, the lady would swallow all the humiliation back into her stomach, without telling the master of the border!

Several times Xiaoru saw that Missy was being bullied so badly that she could n’t help but write to General Shen Da, complaining to Missy about what happened to Missy in the house, and letting Master do justice for Missy.

But every time a few good words from the Shen family made Missy lost her mind, not only did she not write to General Shen, she was also not allowed to reveal a word to the outside.

She used to think that Missy had changed and became smart and witty. This time she came back to Shenfu to avenge Lin's shame.

But I never imagined that Missy had forgiven Lin so easily.

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