Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3094: No good feast

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Xiaoru shook her hand coldly and said with a small face:

"The slave-maid just came to tell the queen's mother-in-law. The wife asked, didn't she believe the slave-maid's words? Do you doubt the slave-maid's false words, or the queen's maid's false words?"

When did this **** girl become so sharp-cut?

Lin's face was sarcastic with a red face, secretly annoyed in his heart, but still smiling, with a hint of humility.

"Xiaoru Girl is the closest person to the Queen Mother, how could you tell a lie, Madam Ben would never dare to doubt the Queen Mother, Madam Ben was just too happy, may I ask Xiaoru Girl, what does the Queen Mother want to eat? Do you have any favorite dishes? "

Sure enough, as Missy said.

The harder he is, the sweeter Lin smiles.

Thinking of Lin's cold, contemptuous face before, and then seeing the smiling Lin in front of him, Xiaoru turned away with disgust.

She was afraid that she would spit it out once more.

"Ms. Madam likes to eat, will the lady have countless?"

She sneered sarcastically, turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a moment, nor did she want to see Lin's disgusting face.

Seeing Xiao Ru's back, Lin's diligent smile slowly disappeared, replaced by a gloomy sneer.

"Hum, stinky film, after following a crow, I thought it would become a phoenix. I dared to put a stink in front of me. It won't take long, and your two servants will be thrown like chickens with their hairs plucked off. on the street!"

Turning around, she summoned her maid to let them prepare wine and food.

Although it is said that Shen Ning wants to invite her to dinner, it is now in Shen's mansion. Where can the queen pay for it? Naturally, she is the Duchess of the Emperor.

This banquet is not only rich, but also expensive to show the identity of the queen.

Lin took out a large sum of silver and went out. It was necessary to make this banquet beautiful and decent.

That evening, Lin set up a banquet in the main hall and then went to Shen Ning in person.

This time Shen Ning didn't make her too difficult, but just let her follow the rules of the court and raised her hand to get her up, which made Lin's breath quiet again.

She kept observing Shen Ning's face secretly, and found that Shen Ning seemed to have resentment in her eyes, her expression was also faint, and a heart was placed in her belly.

This expression is right.

If Shen Ning smiled at her as before, she would feel uneasy, wondering if the girl had any calculations in her stomach.

The banquet was filled with delicious delicacies, fragrant aromas, and dazzling sights. At a glance, it could be seen that the Lins spent a lot of blood.

However, although the dishes are rich, only Shen Ning and Lin are sitting at the table.

Lin sat down with the Prime Minister, with a courteous and diligent look, but Shen Ning was a ignorant look.

Although Leng Yunxiao was a housekeeper, she could only stand outside and watch it. When she saw this scene, her eyes flashed a dark light, and then she lowered her head, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was calculating.

Xiaoru stayed behind Shen Ning, no matter what dish Lin gave to Shen Ning, she would taste it first, obviously worried about the poison in the dish.

It was just that she wouldn't drink alcohol. Although she just tasted a few bites, her face was full of peach blossoms, her heart was beating faster, and her eyes were drunk.

Shen Ning looked back at her.

"You are drunk, go to sleep."

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