Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3099: There are thieves on the bed!

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Ge Peng heard it, his face surprised: "Since the thief escaped into this yard, why didn't the lady go into the yard to search, why did she stand outside the door?"

Lin glanced at Xiaoru in the yard, looking like he was talking.

"Ge Tongling has no idea. The people who live in this yard ... have an unusual origin." She said vaguely, very vaguely.

"Unusual? What is the origin?" Ge Peng frowned.

"This forgive Mrs. Ben is inconvenient to disclose, but we are inconvenient to search." Lin's embarrassment was revealed.

"Since my wife is inconvenient to disclose, and it is not convenient to enter the hospital to search, our Royal Forest Army eats the royal food. How can you stand by and watch the accident? Please take your wife to stand by and let me Ge Peng take someone to search!"

Ge Peng waved his hand and said, "Go in and search!"

The Imperial Forest Army immediately rushed forward.

Several Yulin troops pushed the courtyard door hard. Xiaoru was suddenly pushed out and fell heavily to the ground.

She had no time to get up and wanted to rush to stop.

"No! You can't enter Missy's room!"

"Go away!" A Yulin Army looked at her and kicked her away.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Xiaoru screamed with pain.

At this time, the Imperial Forest Army had rushed to the room where Shen Ning lived under the leadership of Ge Peng.

Lin followed a group of Dings behind Ge Peng.

As she passed Xiaoru's side, she bent her lips slightly and looked down at Xiaoru: "A good show is about to start, don't you want to come in and see?"

Xiao Ru was shocked.

Lin giggled and crossed Xiaoru to the door.

The two doors were pushed open by the Imperial Foresters. Ge Peng rushed in and yelled, "Sou! Search the thieves for this commander immediately! Daring thieves, dare to come to the government and steal things. Yet?"

In the room, the breathing of a man and a woman came to an abrupt halt.

"Here, here!"

"Someone in bed!"

The Royal Forest Army shouted immediately.

The crowd rushed to the bed with their torches and pulled them to the tent, revealing two figures at once.

Under the light of the fire, a man and a woman were hugging each other tightly, and there was nothing on either of them.

The man raised his head in a panic look, and everyone could see clearly. Although the man was over forty, his figure was still very strong and powerful, but the woman he held tightly in his arms was delicate and snowy. His face was buried in the man's arms, and he couldn't see clearly.

"Cold Butler, why are you?" Lin sighed and screamed.

The people in Shenfu were all taken aback and opened their eyes to see that the man who was not wearing clothes and hugging the woman was not a cold steward!

Everyone opened their mouths wide and dropped their jaws.

Ge Peng's face sank, and he asked, "This man is your steward in Shen Mansion? Who is this woman? Mrs. Shen, don't you say there are thieves? What is going on?"

Lin's tongue gaped, and she couldn't answer. The more she looked, the easier it was to raise doubts.

"This, this ... I can't say, I can't." She just shook her head.

She didn't say, but the people next to them were not dumb, and began to talk eloquently:

"Ge Tongling, this is where the young lady in our house lives. We really saw a thief break in."

"Yeah, but we don't know why the cold housekeeper is here, and still sleeping in the bed of Missy ......"

"If we had n’t seen it with our own eyes, we would n’t believe it, it was a thief, but it was a lady ..."

Although the word "traitor" was not exported, there was nothing incomprehensible in the room.

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