Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3108: All for hello

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Hey, what's going on?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Shen Ning's eyes were even more condensed, and even Primary Four forgot to stop Shen Biyun, only to hear that Shen Biyun was talking like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

"You thought that the prince would retire from Shen Ning, but this family matter had already been decided by the emperor, and I couldn't retire! I had already given up, I didn't want to marry the prince, I am also a lady girl, I don't want to be a concubine for others! It ’s you! You let me poison Shen Ning just as soon as she got married. You said she was dead, and I could become the righteous concubine of Dingyuan Wang Zheng, I listened to you again, I poisoned her, but she But not dead! "

"Oh, she is not dead, but she is like a different person, and she is no longer the same cowering and timid as before! She is attracting the eyes of the prince more and more, seeing the prince even dreaming I ’m all shouting her name, I ’m so scared, I ’m really afraid that the prince knows the truth and will not want me! I want her to die, but I ca n’t do it with all the methods I ca n’t fight, but I ca n’t fight her ... she is too powerful She not only took away the prince ’s people, she also took away the prince ’s heart! I hate, hate! "

Shen Biyun grabbed the quilt on her chest, her face twisted horribly, and the half charming face also became ugly.

Everyone looked away from her face, and then looked, they would have a nightmare when they slept.

But nobody stopped Shen Biyun.

Because what Shen Biyun said was so shocking, it completely subverted their usual cognition and made them all dumbfounded.

Big secret, this is the big secret that shocked Beijing!

Both the Yulinjun and Yuqian's guards were dumbfounded. They only hoped to listen more, the more the better.

Lin's hate to sew Shen Biyun's mouth with a needle, so she couldn't say a word anymore.

"Bitch, you ..."

Before Lin finished what she wanted to stop drinking, she was punched in the stomach with a punch, and she immediately bent down and spit out sour water.

"Shut up for me, dare to speak out, and I will kill you!" A Yulin army waved her fist fiercely at her.

Lin was so scared that his face was pale and white, and he dared not say a word.

I only heard Shen Biyun gritting his teeth resentfully, each word with deep hatred: "I hate Shen Ning very much, but the person I hate more is you! It's you, my mother! Is it really my mother-in-law? How can you hurt your own daughter so much? "

Lin's lips moved, and finally he couldn't help saying: "Yun'er, mother is for you!"

Yes, it ’s all for the sake of my daughter!

Because Shen Biyun is her biological daughter!

Lin also hated, she hated why it was n’t her own daughter who married King Zhengyuan as Zheng Fei, but Shen Ning who was born from Lin Ziyin!

Why are all the good things their mother and daughter!

Why are Lin Ziyin dead, they still have to grab their mother and daughter!

Shenfang! She thought about a man who had never gotten a day in her life. Since Lin Ziyin died, she exhausted everything she could, but only let Shen Fang get away from her.

Shen Ning is more and more like flowers and jade, just like Lin Ziyin in those days.

On many occasions, Lin thought that he had seen the wrong person, thought Lin Ziyin was back, and came back to grab everything she got.

As soon as she saw Shen Ning's face, she would have nightmares. In her dream, she always dreamed that Lin Ziyin looked at her with those eyes.

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