Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3158: It ’s not just about losing face

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You have to know that he can break a thick stone tablet with one punch and kill a mad cow with one punch. He is famous in the Northern Qi State.

It is not that casting weapons is his strong point, he still has many unknown skills.

"Chu Mochuan, if you interrupted your hand, it's no wonder I!" He not only did not help, but also used a lot of strength.

At this moment, his scornful eyes suddenly flashed in front of him, as if to say, he is the man I fancy, have you ever fought? Not necessarily who has fought.

The fire in his chest was burning.

Okay, let me see if the man you like is strong!

The sound of "flutter" was muffled, and his punch, which opened the tombstone, just hit the palm of Mochuan. The sound was not loud, but it made all people feel an earthquake.

When Xiao Si's eyes closed, he dared not open his eyes.

He was really afraid that when he opened his eyes, he saw how the emperor's wrist broke.

"Good boy, it's amazing!"

The speaker was Qi Yanyu.

He thought he could interrupt Mo Chuan's hand, but he didn't expect that the other party's face didn't change and he easily accepted it.

Instead, his right shoulder faintly felt a soreness, which seemed uncomfortable.

He took a step back, moved his shoulders, and squinted at Mochuan with cold eyes.

"Why don't you take the opportunity to move?"

Mo Chuan said coldly: "We Xichu men never take advantage of people's danger."

Qi Yanyu said angrily: "Do you mean that I'm at risk? When will I be at risk? I'm fair and upright against you!"

"Let's talk nonsense, just go if you want to hit it." Mo Chuan put his hands behind his back, and he didn't seem to put his opponent in his eyes at all.

Qi Yanyu murmured in his heart that this man looked like a bamboo, but it was really tough enough, he didn't beat it but suffered a loss.

He didn't care about winning or losing, if he only lost face, he didn't care, but when he thought of the bet, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and decided to fight.

"it is good!"

He took a deep breath, and then flew a foot, kicking towards Mochuan.

He is also very deep in his leg skills, and his feet are kicked in a row. There is a name called "Autumn Wind Falling Legs Method", which means that as long as his legs are out, he can clean up the other party like falling leaves.

Mo Chuan looked at the timing and punched out with a "bang" punch, which just hit the opponent's foot.

He only felt that his arm was tingling for a while, thinking that he still underestimated the strength of the other party. He didn't expect this foot to be so powerful.

Qi Yanyu was even more shocked when he knew that he was surprised. Mochuan's punch was hitting Yongquan Point in his heart, and his right leg almost cramped. When he came down, he almost fell. wrestle.

The two exchanged another trick and each suffered a small loss.

Mo Chuan already knows that he knows that the other party is a little less powerful than himself, but the other party's strength is much greater than his own. He really wants to win or lose.

Only more than a hundred strokes were made. I was afraid that people who had already alarmed the entire palace, and even the Empress Zhou would hear the news, the fight would still be impossible after all.

He can think of this, Qi Yanyu is not a fool, naturally can also think of it.

The two looked at each other and almost spoke at the same time: "Would you like to change places?"

"Good!" The two spoke again in unison.

Primary 4 was dumbfounded.

What does it mean to change places?

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