Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3161: No one believes her

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"Sister Ning, I would like to give you another drink, thank you for curing my brother's illness."

As soon as he heard this sound, the head of P4 grew up.

It was n’t anyone else who spoke, it was Princess Tana.

The three princesses, why is she always entangled with the empress queen? Isn't she still causing the empress queen not enough?

Was n’t she the last time she invited the Queen Mother to go out for a trip? As a result, the Queen Mother and Xiao Ru almost fell off the cliff, did they fall apart?

At the thought of this, Primary Four immediately covered himself with cleverness and rushed in without thinking.

"Don't drink!"

When he rushed into the door, he saw Shen Ning holding up his glass and immediately rushed over to knock it over the ground.

"Poisonous in wine!" He shouted.

Shen Ning looked at Xiao Si in a daze, but didn't have time to speak yet.

Tana jumped up in shock and shouted, "Ah? Who's poisoned? Primary 4, how do you know this wine is poisonous?"

"It's you!" Xiao Si reached out and pointed at Tana.

"Me?" Tana's eyes were round and surprised, "When did I get poisoned?"

"Don't pretend, it's useless again! You didn't kill Shen girl last time, you still don't want to die, must you harm her?" Xiao Si said angrily.

Tana's face suddenly turned red: "You nonsense, I never thought about killing Sister Ning! If I had such thoughts, I would be thundered!"

Xiao Si scorned: "I will send this kind of oath. You can send as many as you like. Do you want to listen?"

Tana burst into tears and yelled, "Sister Ning, I really didn't hurt you!"

"Humph!" Xiao Si was about to say that, Shen Ning had shook his head slightly.

"Primary four, don't injustice Tana, this wine is not poisonous."

"Miss Shen, don't believe her, she has no good intentions for you." Little Four is willing to believe.

Without speaking a word, Tana rushed to Shen Ning, picked up the jug on the table, opened the lid and poured it into her mouth.

"Guttering—" She drank half a pot at a stretch, then put the jug aside, bulging her cheeks, and stared at Xiaosi angrily.

"You said it was poisonous, I will show you!"

Xiao Si froze.

"This wine is really not poisonous?"

"Why don't you believe me except for Sister Ning? I really didn't want to hurt Sister Ning, but you ... you ..."

Tana's eyes were red and she almost burst into tears.

Little Four stared at her blankly, then stomped his feet and turned away.

Okay, even if I wronged her this time, so what?

But last time it was obviously that she caused the girl Shen to almost fall off the cliff. This is an iron fact!

He and Chasing Feng later investigated that the carriage that pulled them out of the city was simply a trap that was prepared in advance by someone. The horse was infused with a medicine, and as long as it ran, it would run away. A sea of ​​golden flowers suddenly appeared on the cliff ...

If you want him to believe that Tana is not malicious, he will not believe it!

Hey, when he first entered the door, he seemed to hear something!

Natana said, "Sister Ning, I would like to give you another drink, thank you for curing my brother's disease"!

Yes, that's right. He listened really, and his ears are fine.

Could it be said that the prince of Beiqi who ran into the palace and went mad and knocked over the guards of the former place, was she cured by Shen Shen?

Xiao Si immediately opened his mouth wide and looked at Shen Ning, stuttering and said: "Shen, Shen girl, the North and North Qi princes, are you, you cured?"

Shen Ning nodded: "Not bad."

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