Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3164: Two pieces of wood

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Only Xiao himself knew the thoughts of Primary Four, but he did not expect Shen Ning ’s reaction to be indifferent.

He had to ask Xiaoru for help.

Originally, he thought that Xiaoru would definitely stand on his side. He didn't expect Xiaoru to hold the sober soup while squinting, and walked in front of him, as if he didn't see him at all, nor heard him speak.

Hey, is it a transparent failure?

Xiao Si scratched her hair in wonder.

He looked at Chasing Wind, but Chasing Wind did not seem to see him.

"Miss, sober soup is ready." Xiaoru came to the bed with sober soup.

"So sour?"

Shen Ning looked back and smelled the strong smell of vinegar. He couldn't help raising his eyes and looked at Xiaoru, his expression like a smile.

Xiaoru felt guilty for a while: "Well, ah, the slave-servant just shook her hand and accidentally put more vinegar."

"Well, the acid is better, and the effect of hangover is better."

Shen Ning smiled slightly and didn't ask. Xiaoru was so relieved that she was lucky that she hadn't been noticed by Missy.

After feeding Tana a thick bowl of sobering soup, Tana's expression was finally no longer so uncomfortable.

She lay there, breathing heavily, then rolled over and continued to sleep.

"Huh, Missy, why didn't she wake up?" Xiao Ru said in surprise.

In her cognition, after drinking the hangover soup, she should wake up soon. Why did the three princesses drink and sleep better?

"How can the sobering soup that works so quickly, this bowl of soup just neutralize the alcohol in her body, let the alcohol evaporate slowly, so that after she wakes up, there will be no sequelae after drunk, otherwise she When I wake up tomorrow, my head will definitely explode. "

Shen Ning said, put a quilt on Tana and said to Xiaoru: "Let's go out and let her sleep well. It will be better tomorrow morning."

Xiaoru opened her mouth and pointed to Tana, said na naily: "Senior and senior lady, this is your room, your bed! She ... she ... she will sleep here until tomorrow morning? Why? what!"

"She was drunk and wouldn't let her sleep here, would you let her sleep in the yard?" Shen Ning smiled and took Xiaoru's hand, and walked outside the door.

Outside the room door, the two people like Zhuifeng and Xiaosi were standing like two wooden stakes.

Shen Ning didn't even look at them, and walked out without looking back.

Primary Four finally couldn't help but called out: "Miss Shen!"

Shen Ning just seemed to see him.

"Eh, Primary 4, why are you still here? Are you not on duty with the emperor? Not in the palace, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Primary Four listened, his nose almost crooked.

Dare to stay here for a long time, and for a long time, the girl Shen did not even listen to it, nor did she see herself!

He understood it all at once.

It must be that the emperor offended Shen girl again, she was angry with the emperor, so she would not be so indifferent when she heard the fight between the emperor and others.

But the emperor is so decent, how did she bother her?

By the way, it must be the Northern Qi prince. He suddenly went crazy and entered the palace to fight with the emperor. He also said that he fell in love with the emperor's woman.

It was all for her!

After Xiao Si wanted to understand, his resentment and anger almost suffocated him.

Suddenly he felt that he was stupid. He was a big fool!

I thought she would help the emperor after listening to it, thinking about the Prince Qi of Beiqi, but now he can understand it, they are just out of nostrils with Prince Qi of Beiqi!

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