Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3166: Waiting for you for a long time

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When Xiao Si hurried back to the palace, he found that the guards who took the wine were still holding a few jars of spirits, and Baba was waiting for himself in front of the palace gate.

When they saw him, everyone was relieved and shouted with joy: "Sixth grandfather, you can come back, we can't wait to wear it."

"Wait for what Lao Tzu! If Lao Tzu is dead, you won't be able to enter the palace!" Xiao Siqi didn't fight.

Several guards dumbfounded and looked at each other for fear of speaking.

Mindfulness, where is the fourth grandfather getting angry? He is so angry.

Primary 4 also knew that he was angry with others, but if he didn't get angry with these guys, would he want to hold himself alive!

His eyes fell on the wine jars held by these people. He suddenly rushed over and punched and kicked.

"Ping Pong Ping Pong!"

The wine jars of the guards shattered, and the wine was overflowing, only to cause the guards in front of the door and the nearby Imperial Forest Army to drain.

How fragrant!

Good wine! Really good wine!

But the bodyguards holding the wine jars were all astonished.

"Primary and fourth son, you and you have smashed the wine jar. Let's talk about how we can make a difference!" A few people trembled, not knowing what kind of evil fire this little four had.

Primary four smashed the wine jar, and half of the fire in his heart glared: "Go and get it again!"

Several guards looked at each other with tears and said: "You are the father-in-law, you ordered to get all the wine in the post, no, no! This wine was brought by the Northern Qi prince from the Northern Qi State, even if we tried Order another wine to replace it, I'm afraid it won't work. "

When the fourth one listened, he also had a big headache.

He didn't have a good air: "Since this is the case, why didn't you stop me when I smashed the wine jar just now!"

Several guards said: "Sixth Father, you are like a shot, and your skill is so good, we really want to stop it, but where can we stop it!"

By this time, they haven't forgotten to shoot the **** of Primary Four.

Xiao Si scolded: "Go! A group of guys who can only slap!"

He rubbed his forehead with a headache and looked at the broken wine jar. Rao was smart and clever, and he felt helpless.

Forget it, now he has no time to manage this. He has to go to the palace to see who wins and loses the Emperor and the Qi Yanyu.

When Xiao Si hurried back to the gate of the Emperor City with several guards, he found that there was no one but the guards guarded there.

For a moment, he was so startled that his eyes almost fell out of his eyes.

what happened? Did you just dream that the Emperor and the Crown Prince of Beiqi were fighting here, and they couldn't fight wine here?

It should be a dream!

He rubbed his eyes and looked confused, but the guards beside him all looked like him.

"Huh? What about the emperor? Prince Beiqi? Why are they gone? Did they decide to win the match so quickly?"

Everyone is unbelievable.

Little four is a clever one, and has recovered.

If everyone says this, it means that they are not dreaming, but that they do.

But the Emperor and the Northern Qi Prince are gone!

He was about to ask the guards who were guarding the gate to inquire, and he heard a screaming sound.

"Little Grandfather? Our family has been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiao Siwen looked aside and saw a 50-year-old **** holding the handle and whisking, looking at herself with a smile.

As soon as he saw the old eunuch, he was shaking.

The cold sweat fell off his forehead.

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