Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3261: Rebellion, the sky collapsed

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The **** ran panting, and saw Primary Four, just like the straw that saved his life, clutching his clothes tightly.

"Princess, little four, go to the emperor quickly and quickly, and something is wrong!"

As soon as he saw his face, Primary Four knew that things were not going well.

But when he remembered that the emperor was rarely happy, he didn't want to let bad things alarm the emperor.

He gritted his teeth, even if the sky collapsed, he had to block the emperor first.

"You talk about what happened, if not, I will make you spank!" Xiao Sihong stared at the eunuch.

The **** was terrified and busy, said: "Sixth grandfather, it is really a big event that the sky is about to collapse. How could the servant dare to lie to the military."

"Okay, what a big deal you said."

"Rebellion, rebellion!" Said the eunuch.


Little Four almost jumped up after hearing it.

"Who rebelled!"

"That's ... it was General Shen Da who rebelled!" The **** swallowed a sip before speaking.

As soon as Primary Four heard it, he almost didn't grab the eunuch's head off, and he was so angry that he patted the eunuch's back.

"Can you **** bullshit! You **** **** would rather be nonsense! Fortunately, this met me. If the emperor heard this, then immediately took your head!"

The **** endured the pain: "The minions really didn't talk nonsense, it was General Shen Da's rebellion."

Xiao Si glared: "Do you know who General Shen is? He is the pillar of our Xichu! What is Dongliang, don't you know? It is the pillar that will support our Xichu for a long time! If he rebelled, then we Chu's sky is about to collapse! "

The **** shrank his neck.

"The minions know, and the minions know, so the minions said that this is a big event."

Primary 4 couldn't help but sighed, staring at him.

"You mean, General Shen Da really rebelled?"

"It's true that even if the minions eat bear heart leopards, they dare not use this kind of thing to lie to deceive the emperor unless the minions are tired.

Primary 4 only believed that the **** really didn't lie, but how could he believe this?

All of them can be rebelled. Only General Shen Da is absolutely impossible to rebel.

He wants to rebel, and he can rebel as early as ten years ago, so why wait until today!

Primary 4 couldn't even think of breaking his scalp, why did General Shen Da rebel.

The **** saw the fourth dumbfounded daze and couldn't help but urge: "Little Grandfather, this is a great thing, do you want to report the emperor?"

"Yes! Of course, I will report to the Emperor."

Despite the delay, Primary 4 turned and entered the palace gate, but when he came to the door, he stopped again.

The Queen Mother is still inside. This General Shen is the father of the Queen Mother. How can you report it?

Could it be that in the face of the empress queen, your dear father made your husband ’s rebellion, what do you think?

The emperor must be the first to strangle himself!

Xiao Si frowned in a rare way.

In the room, Mo Chuan's voice came out.

"Ghost head ghost brain, Primary 4, what are you doing outside?"

Oops, heard by the emperor.

Primary 4 said sternly: "Emperor, the minions have something to say to the emperor."

"Come in."

Go in?

How dare you enter.

"Please ask the Emperor to borrow a step to speak."

Mo Chuan in the room couldn't help but look at Shen Ning around him.

Fortunately, Shen Ning had fallen asleep, his face calm and his breath calm.

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