Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3323: Dare not admit

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Although this face has become unrecognizable, Mo Chuan still can see the familiar outline from this face.


He is a cousin!

He missed his cousin who wanted to be rescued from the Eastern Qin Kingdom!

In an instant, Mo Chuan burst into tears and choked with a cry: "Cousin!"

Almost at the same time, Chu Shaobai also called out: "Father Emperor!"

The father emperor was full of emotion.

Chu Shaobai trembled all over, and as soon as the black man in the wheelchair appeared, a strong sensation appeared in his heart, as if a very familiar relative had returned.

But he couldn't believe it, that the familiar and beautiful father-like emperor would become an old man in a wheelchair to describe the withered, just like 40 years old!

But his father and emperor, only 40 years old this year, not two years older than Ning Guogong.

But compared with Ning Guogong, who is rich and handsome, he is 20 years older than Ningguo.

So he dare not admit it.

But the nature between father and son could not be concealed anyway, he finally recognized it.

"Shaobai, you unreliable son!"

Hearing Chu Shaobai's call full of emotions, not only did the man in black not show joy and affection, but he screamed with rage.

This made Chu Shaoyang, who was preparing to pounce on his father's arms, suddenly stop.

He was stunned, sobbing: "Father emperor, children are missing you every day, seeing you are still alive, children, children ..."

"Zixiao Pavilion Master! You are Zixiao Pavilion Master! The leader of the most mysterious killer organization on the rivers and lakes, Zixiao Pavilion Master!"

Suddenly, Chasing Wind discovered a purple cloud embroidered on the cloak of the man in black.

The cloud was embroidered on the black cloak with deep purple silk thread, and the color difference was extremely small, which was originally very difficult to find.

But the eyes of Chasing Wind are really powerful.

His voice surprised everyone present.

How can this be!

Once the emperor of the Western Chu Kingdom, the emperor above ten thousand people, would actually become the killer leader of everyone in the rivers and lakes?

The shock in Mo Chuan's eyes could not be concealed.

"Cousin, you ... how are you ..."

Chu Shaobai was even more unbelievable.

Lord Zixiao said lightly: "I said just now that there is nothing impossible in this world. I am Lord Zixiao and Lord Zixiao is me. None of you can think of it. I paid the price of two legs. Only then escaped from the bottomless dungeon of the Eastern Qin Kingdom. Although I lost this pair of legs, I left my life! "

Chu Shaobai's eyes fell on the legs of the Lord Zixiao, only to find that his legs were broken with his knees together, and tears poured out again.

"Father Emperor ..."

"Put up your tears, don't cry!"

Zixiao Pavilion's voice suddenly became colder, so cold that he didn't contain any emotion.

He looked at Chu Shaobai's eyes also as cold as ice, without the slightest affection of father and son.

This ice-cold gaze pierced Chu Shaobai's body, and he bit his teeth hard, forcing his tears back.

Father Emperor ... changed!

The loving and loving father emperor disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a fierce stranger.

He only saw a faint shadow of the father and emperor on the face of the Lord of the Purple Mountain, but most of them were strange.

Ten years, can ten years really change a person completely without knowing it?

Chu Shaobai's heart bursts of pain.

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