Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Okay, I tell you, Chu Shaoyang wo n’t hurt Shen Ning. For her, he can even kill him, so you do n’t have to go to her anymore, and you ca n’t find her. Go where no one can find. "

If there is a fire in Mo Chuan's eyes, he clenched his fists and suddenly shouted:

"I don't want to listen to this! Mother!"

Empress Zhou stopped her mouth and looked at him calmly: "So what do you want to hear?"

Mo Chuan said: "Since Chu Shaoyang defected to South Vietnam, everything was planned by you, right?"

After hearing this, Empress Zhou's complexion changed, and she looked at Mochuan in horror.

"No, it's not." She shook her head in denial, lowering her eyes, trying to hide the confusion in her eyes, "How come you think this way, nothing, nothing."

But these words of her argument were weak and pale, and she didn't even believe it.

Mo Chuan didn't speak, just looked at her coldly.

"Mother, you disappointed Erchen too much. Today, you still refuse to tell the truth. In your heart, do you really treat Erchen as a fool?"

Empress Zhou closed her eyes, but her heavy breath betrayed her mood.

This is the biggest secret in her heart. She has concealed the secret for a long time. If she wants to let her confide her, she can't really do it.

But if she doesn't say that, she will lose her son completely.

Finally, she whispered: "Yes, that is indeed my plan and arrangement."

Seeing the Empress Zhou finally admitted, Mo Chuan couldn't tell what was in his heart. He didn't look away and no longer looked at the Empress Zhou.

"No wonder, the guard in the prison is strong, Chu Shaoyang can be easily escaped by being locked in, and my people can't keep up. At that time, I suspected that someone secretly helped him, but I didn't expect to help Chu Shaoyang escape treason Is the person I trust and love the most. She is you, my mother! "

His voice was dull, but what he said was like an ice cone, and it hurt the Queen Mother Zhou.

Cold and painful.

Mo Chuan said flatly again: "Mother, why do you want to help Chu Shaoyang, your own son, is it me or him?"

This sentence, like an ice skate, deeply penetrated the heart of Empress Zhou.

The pain in her face was twisted.

"Chuan'er, her mother did it all for you!"

"Oh, it's for me. My mother doesn't like Ning'er. She tries to separate me and her. In order to achieve her purpose, he does not hesitate to use such a mean method. You ... you really are my good mother!"

Mo Chuan's voice contained deep satire.

Queen Mother Zhou couldn't bear it. She patted the table hard and shouted: "Yes, Aijia just doesn't like that girl named Shen! Because you are so obsessed with her. As an emperor, you can like a woman, but absolutely not You can be obsessed! But look at yourself, how ridiculous things you have done for that girl, you make yourself a laughing stock for the world! If that girl stays with you, it will only ruin you! "

"So my mother came up with this crazy plan to make Chu Shaoyang vote against the treason, on the condition that Ning'er be sent to him, right?" Mo Chuan's tone remained calm.

Empress Zhou said coldly: "Yes, Ai Jia thought for a long time before deciding to do so, and sent the woman away, you will hurt, but you won't hurt for a lifetime, and Chu Shaoyang also promised me, as long as I treat the woman Give it to him, he does n’t need anything, but you really have a lot of magical powers, the girl obviously lost her memory, and they all marry Chu Shaoyang, you can still get her back, Chu Shaoyang, he is really a waste , The meat in your mouth will be taken away by people, and Ai Jia really overestimated him! "

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