Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Releasing his hand, he quickly ran down the wall and ran towards the palace.

Xiao Si and Zhu Feng also followed behind.

Chasing the wind, however, looked worried, and made a look at Xiaosi, who was puzzled, but said nothing.

Mo Chuan rushed into the imperial palace in one breath and went straight to the dorm of the Empress Zhou in Shoukang Palace.

Empress Zhou has moved from the Tai Hospital to Shoukang Palace. For three days, she has been unconscious and breathing intermittently. The doctors are helpless, saying that the poison cannot be cured.

They have used all the best antidote, but Empress Zhou never wakes up.

Although Mo Chuan has been guarding the city walls, Primary Four has kept passing the news of Empress Zhou to him.

"Mother, mother!"

He ran into the bedroom in one breath, but the scene he saw surprised him.

Empress Zhou was still lying in bed quietly, as if she was asleep in silence, where there was a slight sign of awakening.

The room was quiet and there was no one.

Even Su Jin, who is not far away from Empress Zhou, is not in the room.

An ominous hunch rushed through his heart, and he rushed to sniff the Queen Mother Zhou.


Upon a closer look, it was found that the Empress Zhou's breathing was weak and intermittent, and she did not stop breathing.

Mo Chuanti's heart in his throat suddenly fell halfway to his stomach.

"Emperor, why did you come and find the empress queen?"

A door rang behind him, Su Jin's voice rang in surprise.

Mo Chuan turned around and saw Su Jin came in with a bowl of freshly fried medicine. When he saw him, he asked in shock and joy.


Mo Chuan shook his head calmly, his face full of surprise.

"Did your mother wake up?" He asked.

"The Queen Mother? I haven't been awake. The slave-servant just went to get the medicine for the Queen Mother. The maid in charge of boiling the medicine boiled the medicine. I was not relieved, and I cooked it again."

"The mother has not been awake? But I just heard from the palace on the wall that the mother was awake ..."

Mo Chuan frowned, and then stopped abruptly.

be cheated!

Damn it!

The **** was clearly sent by someone else, not a person in the palace at all.

Mo Chuan did not stop for a moment, flew out of the door, and went straight to the city wall.

He felt like a fire was burning in his heart, and that hot fire would make him cooked and burned.

"Emperor, servant **** it!"

Suddenly, Xiaosi and Zuifeng ran out of the diagonal thorns and threw themselves down in front of him.

Mo Chuan suddenly stopped and looked at the two coldly: "Go away."

"The emperor, it is the fault of his subordinates. This matter has nothing to do with Primary Four."

Chasing the wind and kneeling to the ground.

"It was the subordinate who saw the emperor's three days and three nights that the water meter was not exhausted, so he sent an **** to report the false news and deceived the emperor back into the palace. It was the fault of the subordinate. The emperor wanted to punish him. , The subordinates committed a major crime of bullying, please ask the emperor heavy punishment. "He said word by word.

Mo Chuan's gaze condensed like ice.

He looked straight at Chasing Wind.

"It's you?"

Primary 4 was terrified and busy, saying: "Emperor, this thing is really no stranger to chase the wind. You stand there for three days and three nights without eating or drinking, but the queen's mother still has no news, chasing the wind is also a last resort. I came up with this method, this idea came from the minions. If the emperor wants to behead, he should be the head of the minion. He is good at chasing the wind. Afterwards, he will protect the emperor and the minions will be relieved. "

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