Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3463: There is nothing wrong with this

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Mo Chuan couldn't hear her talking, her strands of hair were floating in his ears, itchy, he wanted to brush it, and held back.

He could hear her breathing lightly and gently.

She fell asleep.

He slowed down and walked lighter, so that she could not feel the slightest bumps.

Why are you looking for her? Why are you going to save her?

He is also asking himself.

Is it just because she is like her?

Still because ...

Mo Chuan didn't dare to think anymore, he just felt her warm breath blowing on his neck, making him stiff all over.

Her arms wrapped around his neck softly, her cheeks pressed against his back neck, and she slept deeply.

"White devil, I will never let you go ..."

She suddenly had a tight arm.

Mo Chuan stepped in.

She woke up?

not at all.

She was just dreaming. In her dream, she saw the man in white wearing a silver mask. He suddenly removed the mask, but behind the mask was a large mouth of blood basin, which opened sharply and bit her neck.


She shuddered and awakened from a nightmare, only to feel cold sweat, even on her forehead.

"Huh, where is this?"

Opening her eyes, she found herself lying in a cave, covered with clean and soft grass, like lying on a grass mat.

A bonfire was burning in the cave, but she was the only one.

She frowned, and soon remembered that she was lying on Mo Chuan's back and fell asleep.

"Are you awake? Drink some saliva first."

Mo Chuan came in from the outside and handed her a water bag.

She took it, sipped it, almost choked.

After she finished drinking, Mo Chuan handed her some wild fruits that had just been picked.

She was hungry and ate a fruit in three or two.

Mo Chuan sat next to the bonfire, stuffed the freshly washed hare's stomach with a handful of mushrooms, and picked a few large leaves, wrapped in wet mud, and buried it under the fire.

He did it in a deceptive manner, with a stiff eye, but it caused Shen Rumei to giggle.

He apparently never did such a job. Although he behaved gracefully, he forgot two things.

The hare was not sprinkled with salt or fruit wine, and the roasted taste was naturally not as good as the wild antelope she roasted.

But Shen Rumei was still eating with relish.

She ate enough rabbit meat and drank the mountain spring again, and after a long sleep before, she felt energetic and full of energy.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly, I worry about Ling'er." She said.

Mo Chuan gazed at her: "If there is chasing wind to take care of him, he will not have accidents. If something happens, chasing wind will find a way to notify me."

Shen Rumei nodded: "I miss him."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Mo Chuan said no more, extinguished the bonfire, and squatted down to face her.

She understood what he meant, but shook her head.

"I can go by myself."

Mo Chuan walked silently in front, Shen Rumei followed, and she folded a branch as a cane to save some effort.

Walking, her footsteps slowed down.

Mo Chuan stopped and turned to look at her.

She bit her lip, knowing why he became silent on the way, something she didn't want to explain.

"That white devil ..." She paused. "He didn't do anything to me."

He did nothing but threaten her.

Mo Chuan's eyes flashed with doubt.

If it's really nothing, why would she say that she is the man in white?

Shen Rumei saw through his thoughts and snorted: "You think too much, he was poisoned, and wanted me to help him detoxify."

This turned out to be the case!

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