Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The man in purple clothes is expressionless.

The whip tightened, and Aruo couldn't breathe in, his eyes protruding, his tongue sticking out, and his face purple.

Seeing it, she was going to die, but her two eyes were still looking at the man in purple clothes, and she didn't blink, there was confusion, fear, panic in her eyes ...

The man in purple clothes loosened his whip, and Aruo, like a rag bag, made a muffled noise and fell to the ground.

Shen Rumei knew that A Ruo was dead without having to check his pulse.

Until she died, she didn't believe that the man in purple clothes would actually kill her.

Shen Rumei didn't believe it either.

Her eyes widened incredulously, staring at A Ruo's squinting face.

A Ruo looks very beautiful, but at that time her beautiful face is twisted, her face is blue and purple, and her eyes are directly looking at the man in purple clothes.

Her tongue stretched out of her mouth even longer.

If she can talk, the last sentence she wants to say must be to question the man in purple clothes, why kill her?

She didn't believe that the man in purple clothes would kill her until she died!

Shen Rumei covered his son's eyes and prevented him from seeing this ugly scene.

No one will believe it.

At one moment, the man in purple clothing threw the healing ointment tenderly to her, but at the next moment, he shot her life.

And she didn't say anything that offended the purple man.

This man in purple clothes is cruel, cold-hearted, and merciless!

Shen Rumei originally thought that A Ruo was the concubine of this man in purple clothes. Now it seems that A Ruo is nothing in this man's heart.

The purple man clapped his hands.

Immediately, several black servants walked into the courtyard.

"Pull it out and bury it, and find another person for me. This is nothing like it."

The man in purple clothes finished coldly and walked out without looking back.

He didn't take a look at the body of Aruo on the ground. It seemed that there was not a woman he had loved but a dead dog's body.

Several men in black immediately took Arroyo's body away.

Everyone in the courtyard walked cleanly.

There is only one Qi Yanyu who can't move.

He was covered with frost all over his body, even his eyebrows and hair.

Shen Rumei looked at the empty yard in amazement, and some couldn't believe that the man in purple really left.

She walked up to Qi Yanyu and was shocked to see him look frozen.

"What's wrong with you? Was you acupuncture? Can you still move?"

Qi Yanyu's teeth gurgled.

"Let ... fire ..." He only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen, and his tongue was knotted, so that he couldn't say the whole word.

"Quick ... fire ..."

Shen Rumei was very surprised.

At this time, it was three days and the weather was hot. People only wore a thin single coat, but Qi Yanyu was frozen like this.

What kind of evil gate kungfu did the purple man use!

She didn't have much time to ask, and a fire was born beside Qi Yanyu.

Qi Yanyu was still shivering and speechless.

Shen Rumei gave him a pulse, and as soon as his fingers touched his skin, he shivered coldly.

It's colder than ice.

She suddenly understood why Qi Yanyu didn't get acupuncture points, but couldn't move. He was too cold to move. It was estimated that the blood had coagulated in his body.

He was not cold, but was poisoned by cold!

If you can't feed him to detoxify, even if there is too much fire, he will be frozen to death!

That man in purple clothes is really ruthless!

"You are suffering from cold poison. I want to detoxify you, but I can't guarantee that it will be relieved. If you believe me, I will give you an antidote."

She looked at Qi Yanyu and asked him seriously.

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