Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3503: Young master

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Hearing the news, Shen Rumei was shocked and covered his son's mouth, but his face was hot.

"Stinky boy, who's talking nonsense, who told you this!" She was so angry that she could block her son's mouth with a cloth.

When it's over, Linger's words must have been heard by the purple man.

"Hmm, um ..." Shen Ling'er covered her mouth and could only spit out ambiguous words.

"It's your master?" But she guessed it all at once and gritted her teeth with hatred.

Qi Yanyu, even the child, even said such things, did he want to teach bad spirits?

It seems that he agreed to Linger worship him as a teacher, and made a great mistake.

No, go back and get some dumb medicine, this dumb guy!

Shen Rumei was thinking angrily, and was suddenly awakened by a scream on the opposite side.

She looked up and saw that A Ruo was pushed to the ground by the man in purple clothes. There was a slap in the face. The half of the white face was swollen and tall, and her mouth was even crooked.

A Ruo was so scared that the flowers looked eclipsed, and the tears circulated along the circles of his eyes, but he dared not run down.

Because the man in Ziyi stared at her, he spit out three words: "No crying!"

A Ruo gritted his teeth hard, only to hold back the tears that were about to roll out of his eyes.

The man in purple clothes reached out to her: "Come here."

He grabbed her, and A Ruo fell into her arms. His long white jade fingers gently touched A Ruo's face. There was pain in his eyes and his voice was gentle.

It was so gentle that it almost pinched out the water.

"Does it hurt?"

"..." A Ruo dare not answer.

"Does it hurt?" The man in purple clothes asked again, slightly aggravating his tone.

Shen Rumei's heart lifted.

She remembered how the last Arroy died.

It seems to die under this sentence.

She couldn't help pinching cold sweat for this Arroyo.

"It hurts," A Ruo finally whispered, his eyes like a timid fawn, "Young Master, why did he hit A Ruo, did A Ruo do anything wrong?"

Just now he looked at her eyes too softly, and made her intoxicated, forgetting everything around him, just want to lie in his arms and let him be pampered.

Unexpectedly, it was his ruthless slap in return.

But she really didn't know what she did wrong.

"Well, you did it wrong." The man in purple said slowly, took a box of pale green ointment from his arms, and gently painted her face.

His eyes were gentle and his movements were soft, as if he were taking care of rare treasures.

Aruo didn't dare to move.

She is smarter than the last Arroyo.

Because she found that the young master did not like her too active, nor did she like her too warm, nor she was too indifferent, nor did she like her to keep a distance ...

What a difficult young master!

But she was still willing to stay beside him, as long as he looked at her with a petting look, she felt that she was willing to die for him.

There was no one showing love there.

Shen Rumei learned well this time and covered Shen Ling'er's eyes to prevent him from watching.

"Primary two, checkout."

She was so tired that they couldn't eat any food.

But the guests next to him looked at each other intently.

Because the man in purple clothes and the girl in white clothes are so attractive, especially the man in purple clothes, despite the coldness of the iceberg, he is the focus of everyone's attention.


"my eyes!"

"... I can't see anything!"

Suddenly, there was a cry of horror around.

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