Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3508: Too expensive

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"I have no grievances with you, I don't even know who you are, I haven't even seen your face, why should I hate you?" Shen Rumei picked up a silver needle and disinfected it on the fire, casually Tao: "But I hate you."

The white devil's pupils snapped.

"Can you say that again!"

Shen Rumei had no fear on his face, and his tone was ordinary: "I hate you, because I have to stay here because of you, it frees me."

The devil in white seemed startled. "Don't you like it?"

"Of course I don't like it. Originally, my son and I were at home, and we had a happy and happy life, but now ..." She bit her lip with her teeth, and she kept talking.

The white devil asked: "How is it now?"

"Now I am having a bad time because there is a man in this city. Today I was almost blinded by this man." She tickled her lips and ridiculed herself.

"If I become blind, I can't continue to detoxify you, then I am a useless person to you, and you will not continue to save my life? You said, should I hate it? You? "She smiled with a smile.

The white devil stared at her and seemed to want to see through her, more like trying to figure out whether her words were true or false.

She greeted his gaze calmly.

After a moment, the devil in white withdrew his eyes.

"You are very smart, and you actually want to use this seat to get rid of the people who are dangerous to you. Are you stupid with a knife to kill people?

"I want to borrow a knife to kill someone, but I also need the knife to be fast and profitable, and it depends on whether the knife is willing to shoot me for it. If the knife is unwilling, I wouldn't say it today." Shen Rumei was faint. The way.

"If that knife killed someone you wanted to get rid of, how would you repay that knife?"

"It depends on what kind of repayment the knife needs. If the price is too high, I think it's okay." She laughed.

The air seemed to freeze all of a sudden.

The white devil was silent for a moment and smiled coldly.

"You are really a cunning fox, want to use this seat, but do not want to pay the price, there is such a cheap thing in the world?"

She also smiled.

"I also know that I have asked a bit more, so you should not have heard these words, now I will give you a needle, don't talk."

Her voice was soft, but with a command tone.

The devil in white shut his mouth.

But his eyes followed her all the time.

She was skilled in applying needles, and he hardly felt any pain, and saw fingers and backs of hands covered with shiny silver needles.

"Do you feel it?" She asked, her eyes bright.

He shook his head subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter, this is just the first time, you will feel it a few more times," she said confidently.

About half an hour after the needle stopped, she started to start.

"The next injection time is three days later." She said.

The white devil nodded slightly.

"Send this seat out." He got up and walked out.

She was taken aback, and with his light power, she jumped up to the roof, and the fierce bird was kept in the yard. He could also ride on the back of the bird and flew away with great wind.

Why do you have to give it to yourself?

But she couldn't find a reason to refuse, so she sent him out of the yard.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the air, and she only felt that the collar was tight, and the whole person had already vacated.

But it turned out that the fierce bird took her clothes by the mouth, spread her wings, and brought her into the air.

"You ... what do you want to do?" She looked at the tiny house below, and her heart instantly raised her throat.

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