Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

After resting in bed for two days, she was able to get out of bed. For the past two days, Qi Yanyu has helped her with Linger.

Qi Yanyu didn't come very often. He had just developed a very powerful hidden weapon. He immersed himself in his design. Shen Linger followed him step by step, and he drove in Qi Yanyu's house like a big one.

Fortunately, no patient came to the house in these two days.

But on the third day, she heard the cry of a violent bird in mid-air, her face suddenly changed.

It's time to treat the devil in white again!

Sure enough, in the next moment she saw the white devil wearing a silver mask appear in her hut.

"Very good, you are not dead." His cold tone seemed to contain a trace of mockery.

"Thank you for being kind to your good bird." She smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Since he is not dead, get up and work." He sat down.

She smiled bitterly and took out the silver needle, ready to give him a needle.

But her hands were shaking all the time.

"Not today." She sighed and lowered the silver needle. "I almost broke my bones. Now I am unstable and I can't give you a needle. Three days later, you will come again. I will give you the antidote together."

The devil in white did not speak, sitting motionless.

"Why don't you go yet?" She looked at him in surprise.

"Have you eaten?" He suddenly started, and made her startle.

"No." She shook her head.

For the past three days, she was lying in bed, and even Qi Yanyu prepared her meals for her.

"Then do it, I'm hungry."

The devil in white closed his eyes indifferently, urged her to take her as a maidservant.

She had no choice but to walk into the kitchen to cook.

She added a large amount of salt to the two dishes, and it was not enough to think about it, and even added two spoonfuls of salt to the rice.

"Salt him!" She said bitterly in her heart.

After the meal was served, it was steaming and fragrant.

She stared at the mask on his face.

The white devil suddenly flicked a cold look.

She suddenly remembered what he said.

"Everyone who has seen his face has become blind or dead."

She didn't want to be blind or dead. She put down her meals and went out.

After turning around and coming back, he found that the white devil had left, and the food on the table was completely eaten.

She smirked at the corner of her lips.

But besides this prank, she can't do anything else.


Three days later, the devil in white arrived as expected, but this time when he appeared, it was late at night.

Shen Rumei was so sleepy that his eyes could not be opened, and he was still holding on, yawning and yawning.

Hearing a bird in midair, she pierced her tiger's mouth with a needle, and the whole person became sober.

Linger has been staying with Qi Yanyu to study hidden weapons for the past few days. She is glad that Linger is not around. She does not want the white devil to see Linger at all.

Who knows whether the devil will fight Linger's idea.

"come out!"

The white devil didn't enter the house, and a cold voice came from outside.

She went out. Under the silver moonlight, a white figure stood high on the back of the bird. The white clothes were like snow, and she was spotless, but her posture was arrogant.

The collar tightened suddenly, and she was carried on the back of the fierce bird by the white devil.

The fierce bird took a big step and ran away.

The wind around her ears screamed and her sleepiness was all driven away.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To shut up!"

She closed her mouth.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the wind poured into her lungs.

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