Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3518: Dig and bury yourself

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"I won't kill you, and I won't let you go. Since you want freedom so much, you should be a prisoner of my life here."

Suddenly, the man in purple clothes dropped a sentence coldly and walked away.

She heard a heavy sound of the iron door closing.


The purple man left.

She didn't know where she was, she felt it, and it was all walls on all sides. Except for an iron door, her fingers were dark, and she could not tell whether it was day or night.

As he said, she became his prisoner.

Prisoner in the dark.

She smiled bitterly in the corner of her lips. Was it a pit for herself?

Then bury yourself!

Time did not know how long it had passed, and finally, she was confused and heard the sound of the iron door opening.

She did n’t open her eyes because she could n’t see them.

"You didn't lie to me, I really got your poison." In the darkness, the voice of the man in purple rang coldly.

She tickled the corners of her lips, but was unable to speak.

I don't know the time in the dark, but her throat is dry and thirsty, and her throat seems to be cracked, and her body is strained because of hunger.

The eyes of a man in purple clothes seem to be able to see in the dark.

"What do you want?" He said word by word.

She took a breath and said slowly, "I want to never see you again in my life."

After talking, the air seemed to freeze suddenly.

She continued to close her eyes and waited for the purple man to make a decision.

In order for him to agree to this condition, she used her life as a bet, and she would bet that she would win.

Do not know how long after that, the man in purple slowly spoke: "Unable to do it!"

"Then let's do it all together." She said weakly, feeling that her energy had almost been lost from her body, and now she felt a hard time even lifting a little finger.

"I will not die, and I will not let you die."

The man in purple clothes clapped his hands, and soon footsteps sounded outside. Someone came in with a candle, and a faint light radiated out.

She opened her eyes slightly, and saw that a servant-like person came to her with the food box, opened the food box, and took out two bowls of vegetables and two buns.

There is also a bowl of water.

She sat up slowly, drank two sips of water, then picked up the buns and ate them slowly, eating very slowly, chewing each bite for half a day before swallowing, it was not like a hungry person for a few days. .

With enough food and drink, she felt that her spirit and strength had recovered a lot.

"Although you let me live, I will not give you the cure."

The man in purple dress looked at her quietly, as if observing every expression of her.

Hearing her words, he was still expressionless.

"As you wish." He turned and went out, and the heavy iron door closed.

The candle stayed in the room.

Shen Rumei stared at the faint candlelight, and then looked at the surrounding walls, all made of the thickest granite, even the windows, and only a heavy iron door.

The chances of her trying to escape from here are minimal.

But she has no regrets.

For freedom, she is willing to gamble on this.

When the candle burned out, the man in purple appeared in front of her again.

"You won," he said, his face as cold as frost, his eyes fierce.

Counting the hours, his poison had already occurred for three hours, and he could survive such a long time, Shen Rumei had to admire.

The poison that she matched with the blood of the white devil was really powerful, and even the high skill of the purple man could not bear it.

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