Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3529: Smiled secretly

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In that dream, she seemed to be back in her infancy, surrounded by warmth and tenderness. She seemed to be held in the palm of her and carefully guarded.

She could not open her eyes and could see nothing, but she could feel the warmth.

Very tired, as if all the energy was taken away.

She did n’t know where she was, whether she was dreaming or what happened, she only felt warm, and she was like a seed buried in the soil, irrigated by a warm and careful spring, Moisturizing, when the spring of next year, it will break the ground and bud, flowering and fruiting.

Seems to sleep but not to sleep, seems to wake up but not to wake up.

Half dreams and half illusions.

Then one day, she suddenly had a little consciousness in this chaotic state.

Some warm things flowed into her throat, and then flowed along her body. All she could feel was the warmth outside her body, but this warm thing even warmed her internal organs. .

She suddenly realized that she was not dead and still alive!

She even felt that she was held in her arms, and she could feel a strong heart beating against her body.

Someone gently stroked her face and whispered something.

But she couldn't hear a word.

Is it Mochuan?

Did he hug himself and save himself?

It must be Mochuan.

Her consciousness did not stay awake for a long time, and soon drifted away.

However, she gradually wakes up day by day, and feels that she is alive even more so than day by day.

Finally one day, when the warm stuff was fed into her mouth again, flowing down her throat, her consciousness was clearer than any other time.

She even slowly opened her heavy eyelids.

Because she was so eager to see Mochuan.

She has so many words to tell him, to tell him, she can't wait!

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt nothing but a flower in front of her eyes.

She closed her eyes again, but felt that the body holding her seemed to be stiff, no longer firm and soft.

"Mochuan, talk, talk to me, I want to listen to you, I don't want you to just help me heal, I want to listen to you!"

A voice in her heart shouted loudly.

For so many days, he would feed her the warm medicine every day, and then exercise the power to heal her, and urge the medicine to flow in her body.

But he never spoke to her from beginning to end.

She would love to hear his voice.

After a few more days, she felt a little more strength in her body, and she did not rush to open her eyes.

Her strength is too weak, she is afraid that she can only open her eyes for a while, she wants to surprise him.

He didn't stay by her side all the time. Every day he would feed her medicine at a fixed time, carefully hold her in her arms and feed her for medicine.

After feeding the medicine, he will hold her wrists to give her internal force, and then he will gently let her lie down and leave quietly until the next medicine.

There was no sound around him when he was away.

She even thought she was lying in a coffin.

Finally, she felt him coming again.

He didn't make a sound when he came, but she could feel it, and he was getting closer and closer to her.

Until his arms supported her shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

She smiled secretly in her heart.

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