Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3531: The most beautiful snow

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The white devil seldom speaks. She has no power to speak. Most of the time the two get along is silent.

She didn't ask him any more silly questions, such as asking him why he should save her.

Because she knew that if she was alive, he would be alive. If she died, it would n’t take long for him to die.

Now he has no way to raise some medicine people as before, and then take the medicine people's blood to suppress the toxicity, because the balance of his body's toxicity has been broken, and the only way for him to survive is that she drives him poison.

Drive away all the poison from his body.

In today's world, only she can do it!

Her body is getting better every day.

Time passed slowly in silence between the two.

From spring to summer, from autumn to winter.

When the snow fell, he pushed her in a wheelchair to sit in front of the window and watch the snow.

Heavy snow falling like goose feathers fell, and the ground was silver and white.

The fierce bird chased snowflakes in the yard and had fun.

The corner of her lips felt a smile.

"This snow is so beautiful, it is the most beautiful snow I have ever seen." She seemed to be talking to herself because she knew he would not answer her words.

During this time, she has been talking to herself, but he seems to be dumb, rarely speaking.

Sure enough, the white devil remained silent.

The silver mask fluttered against the snowflakes, so cold and ruthless.

Winter has passed, and spring has come again.

One full moon night, he pushed her to sit in the yard and watch the moon in the sky.

The night breeze in the spring was cool, and her serious wounds were recovering. She was particularly afraid of the cold. He took a thick fox fur and wrapped her tightly, showing only a pretty face.

She looked intently at the bright moon in the sky, but a heart unconsciously remembered Mochuan and her spirit.

Youyan's hole flute passed into her ears, and the sound was lingering, tender and tender, ethereal and clear.

She has never heard such a beautiful flute, which is the best flute she has ever heard in her life.

Looking back, she found that under the moonlight, the devil in white was holding a tube of jade flute and was playing low.

Moonlight is like water, flute sounds like a dream.

The night of the full moon with a beautiful flute sound was deeply etched in her mind for a long time.

But since that night, she never heard his flute again.

She can move slowly, no longer relying on the wheelchair, she began to dispense medicine and give him antidote.

But her fingers still had little strength and no way to give him a needle, so his sense of smell and taste never recovered.

However, she started to cook, intending to put a lot of salt in the dishes, bitter and bitter, but he ate with relish.

At this time, her eyes flashed with a cunning look of triumph, like a little fox with bad water.

Every time she teases him like this, she will be in a good mood.

Only in this way, she can let herself no longer fall into crazy thoughts, because it is too much torture.

She misses Linger, Mochuan, and Xiaoru ...

She misses them very, very much!

"Tomorrow, you should go back."

The white devil's cold voice suddenly sounded, interrupting her miss.

She looked up in surprise and joy, "Tomorrow?"

The devil in white didn't speak anymore, he had a steaming pot of medicine in his hand.

In the past, when she was in a coma, he fed her medicine, put one hand around her waist, let her lean against his chest, and fed her mouth by mouth.

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