Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3539: Don't want to live

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Princess Chang's words made Shen Ning's tears flow out.

My heart is more like the pain of being struck by a knife.

She gazed tearfully at Mo Wan's pale yet still beautiful face, her body swayed slightly, and Xiao Ru helped her.

"Mochuan, Mochuan, I didn't expect you to treat me so affectionately. If you die like this, how can you make me repay your whole life's affectionateness? So, you must live to live!"

Shen Ning said quietly in his heart.

She took a deep breath, she calmed herself down, and then put her finger on Mo Chuan's wrist to take a pulse for him.

The elder princess choked with sobs: "The doctors have tried everything possible, even thousands of ginseng, snow lotus and other rare treasures have been obtained, but no matter what elixir, the elder brother has no effect after taking it In the past, the elder brother could still drink, but in recent days, the elder brother couldn't even drink the medicine, he ... "

Her voice was too dumb to speak.

"Ning'er, in any case, you must save the elder brother, you must save him!"

Shen Ning withdrew his hand and looked dignified.

"The doctors are right, he is really self-defeating, but why is he like this? I ... I entrust Linger to him, even if it is for Linger, he must live!"

Princess Chang glared at her: "Ning'er, Ning'er, haven't you understood the heart of the elder brother to you until now? Six years ago, you suddenly disappeared, and the elder brother was in a state of anxiety. Five years! Although we all know that hope is slim, Brother Huang has never lost hope. He said that you are waiting for him to save you. He must look for it. Even if he looks for ten or twenty years, he will always Find it. "

Her tears unknowingly flow across her face, her voice choked: "But he found the result later, but he saw you die in his arms. As soon as you died, the whole brother broke down, and there was nothing else Let him have the motivation to live, he wants to live and die with you! "

Shen Ning's heart was sour and astringent, bitter and sweet.

She stared at Mo Chuan and murmured: "Mo Chuan, why are you suffering?"

But there was no time for her to continue to be sad. She went to the book case aside and quickly wrote a prescription to Xiaoru.

"Take it out and let Zhang Taiyi take the medicine to decoction, be quick!"

Xiao Ru took the prescription and walked out.

Princess Chang grabbed her hand: "Ning'er, your medicine will surely save the elder brother, isn't it? You are an apprentice of the First Divine Doctor, your medical skills must be very good, better than those of the great doctors."

Shen Ning wiped her tears, took out the silver needle, and began to give Mochuan a needle.

Princess Chang didn't dare to alarm her, she watched her move intently, she didn't go to see Mo Chuan's changes, just stared at her face.

Shen Ning's eyebrows twitched slightly, and she jumped wildly. Shen Ning's color was slightly calm, and the heart she lifted on her chest fell slowly.

Moments later, Xiaoru brought a steaming bowl of herbal soup in, followed by a group of doctors behind him.

"The medicine is done."

Zhang Taiyi took a step forward and said to the eldest princess: "Let the old minister feed the emperor."

During this time, he was almost sleepless outside, decoction and medicine feeding, everything was done by himself, so that his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he was very dedicated.

The long princess knew that he was not assured of false hands, and nodded.

When Xiaoru went out and handed over the prescription to Zhang Taiyi, Zhang Taiyi's eyes lit up when he saw the prescription.

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