Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3544: Almost martyred

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All lost memories are back.

She clearly remembered everything about Chu Shaoyang. This man's voice will never be Chu Shaoyang's.

"Then who do you say I am?" The tail of the voice provoked slightly, with a taunt.

She frowned, intuition told her that the man was not malicious to her, but she could not remember who he was for a moment.

Since Ling'er was born, her proud memory has become worse day by day.

No wonder people often say that women become stupid when they have children. This is true.

But Shen Ning did not regret giving birth to Linger at all.

Linger is her angel!

Linger is everything in her life these days!

The happiness and satisfaction he brought her was something her memory could never bring to her.

She finally remembered someone.

"Qi Yanyu, are you?"

She blurted out, and then she smiled again.

"Perhaps I should call you another name, Suzhil and Kebari."

Qi Yanyu was stunned, and then exhaled: "You still remember my name!"

After so long and after so many years, she could still read a good word, Qi Yanyu suddenly felt hot, and her anger dissipated a little.

"Huh, you are not so unconscionable!"

Shen Ning remembered that the time he spent with him in the small town, although short, was the only stability and warmth in her floating life in recent years.

She walked over and lit the candle on the table.

The red candle ignited, and the person in front was Qi Yanyu.

Not seen in a year, his face has not changed a bit.

"Why are you here? You ... shouldn't you be in Beiqi?"

Shen Ning couldn't help asking.

Qi Yanyu didn't have a good air: "I heard that my sister's brother is going to die, so I came to see him when he swallowed. I didn't expect that when I came, he was saved by you. You girl, I thought You are dead and sad for you every day, but you are all right. When you come back, you will run to your man's side and fall asleep. Do you still have my half-hearted position in your heart? I was indifferent to you six years ago. A year ago, I was heartbroken for your death, and almost died for you! "

He resented and grinned with laughter.

Because she knew that the more he said that, the more he laid down on his behalf.

With such a personality, how could he be martyred?

How could she and him have a little personal affair!

"Qi Yanyu, it's nice to see you again, I'm very happy, really." She said sincerely.

Qi Yanyu turned her head away from looking at her face and snorted: "If I don't believe you anymore, you girl will deceive me and I will never be fooled by you again!"

Shen Ning smiled and said: "Do you really not want to see me again?"

"It's not that I don't want to see you, it's clear that you don't want to see me! If you still remember me in your heart, why wouldn't you go to Beiqi State to see me, but you rushed to Xichu to see him!" He was still jealous. .

Shen Ning said: "He is my husband, I don't look at him?"

Qi Yanyu was speechless.

"Well, your husband not only died, but also disappeared. Not only did you not worry, but instead you smiled, are you still a woman?" Qi Yanyu stared at her.

Shen Ning smiled: "He is not missing, he is in this room."

"Where is he? Why didn't I see it?" Qi Yanyu continued to stare.

Shen Ning smiled and pointed to the bottom of the bed, suddenly piercing his tricks.

"Qi Yanyu, you are such a big man, and still playing such a childish game, no wonder Linger always calls your brother."

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