Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3547: Long story short

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Shen Ning knew that the Devil in White definitely wanted more than what she thought, he might want more.

She only hopes that when the white devil asks her for the price, don't let the lion speak up, she hopes that he wants a price that she can afford.

Shaking her head, she threw the white devil out of her mind.

She does not want to think of that person now.

"Xiaomei'er, how did you know the man in white, what is his origin? His ability is very big, and his big bird is really tight, you are so familiar with him , Can you ask him, sell that big bird to me, no matter what he wants, I can give him, I can also create a unique, exclusive weapon for him! "Qi Yanyu refused to let go she was.

His curiosity about the man in white was surprisingly strong.

Shen Ningbai gave him a glance: "He will appear in less than half a month. Why don't you ask him in person if you want his big bird!"

Qi Yanyu stretched his tongue: "I dare not, there is something intimidating about that man, which makes people do not want to approach, and his martial arts are surprisingly high, I can't beat him for the time being, right Xiaolinger, I heard You will practice a medicine that can increase your internal strength. For our friendship, can you give me a few? "

"My relationship with you, what relationship?" Shen Ning looked at him expressionlessly.

Qi Yanyu choked and glared: "Just because I am the master of your son, this friendship is enough!"

Shen Ning smiled, no longer amused him, and nodded.

She directly raised the pen and wrote a prescription, which was given to Qi Yanyu.

"Just follow the recipe."

Qi Yanyu was taken aback, looked at the prescription in her hand, and looked up at her again: "You even gave me the prescription, are you afraid of me thinking?"

"I believe in you," she said.

The simple four words made Qi Yanyu speechless for a long time.

He didn't say anything, but just read the prescription twice, remembering the method of refining it well, and put the prescription on the candle and lit it.

After a while, the prescription turned into a piece of ashes.

"Xiaomei'er, your medical skills are so high, you really got the teaching of the world's first magician?" Qi Yanyu asked again.

Shen Ning nodded.

"You have been with your master all these years?"

Shen Ning nodded again.

"What happened to your sudden disappearance six years ago? Everyone thought you were taken away by the beast of Chu Shaoyang, how could you be with your master?" Qi Yanyu was puzzled.

Shen Ning couldn't help but sigh: "This is a long story."

"That's a long story short." He didn't resign.

"Okay, Chu Shaoyang wanted to kill me. My master saved me. He didn't want others to find me, so he gave me a medicine to close my memory, made me forget the past, and gave me a new name. She said simply.

"and then?"

"No, it's finished." Shen Ning spread his hands.

Qi Yanyu said with a cry: "This is too short! Not thrilling at all!"

"Is it?" Shen Ning squinted at him and said, "You are not me. You only listen to a story. I think this story is not thrilling enough. If you want to experience the thrilling feeling personally, I can The idea helps you achieve it. "

Qi Yanyu was shocked and waved her hands: "Forget it, I don't want to experience it."

He smiled at her: "Xiaomei'er, it's nice to see you alive."

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